Example sentences of "there [be] [det] [noun] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The cyclotron was a research facility through into the 1980s , but was an expensive and remarkable piece of equipment to have appeared in the 1950s in a country where , neither before nor since , has there been much cash for anything scientific .
2 Had there been any sign of their ill-treating her he would have gone straight at them , hopelessly , with his knife alone .
3 First , had there been any illegality of which the court should take note .
4 Eve had never felt remotely like a charity child , nor had there been any pressure on her to join the Order .
5 Nor had there been any talk of her — that she looked ill , or had been ill — nothing at all .
6 Others believe it to have a strong cultural component ; and point out that there are many cultures in which it is not apparent , sexual interest and behaviour increasing continuously in the pre-adolescent years .
7 ‘ Jesus Christ , ’ he said , as if he was an experienced soldier talking to a rather dumb general , ‘ there are many impostors in Thy world and many of Us have failed to Grasp the … er …
8 There are many illustrations throughout which offer a visual display of the technique or design which the text is referring to .
9 There are many mementoes of her life in the collection — everywhere she went she was feted and given souvenirs of her visits to distant parts of the world .
10 But there are many languages in which the tone can determine the meaning of a word , and changing from one tone to another can completely change the meaning .
11 There are many sources from which the farmer can obtain organic wastes for his soil , some from without and others from within his farm .
12 There are many things on her hands at the moment .
13 There are many gaps in his legal knowledge that he now has an opportunity to make good , as he never will again .
14 Even now there are many gaps in our understanding of what happened .
15 But there are many matters about which one can not write …
16 There are many reports of their having been seen with binoculars , but I have never had any success .
17 Although this is not accepted widely among the medical profession , there are many reports of it being used successfully for the treatment of hyperactive children .
18 On the other hand , there are many cases in which prerogative orders have been awarded against Ministers without any qualm or discussion of the matter ; but it does not follow from this fact that such orders operate as anything other than ‘ requests ’ to act or to refrain from action .
19 Sad to say , there are many countries in which no such laws exist , even to this day .
20 Also there are many binaries in which the components are so close together that no telescope will separate them , and they betray their true nature only by means of the spectroscope .
21 While there are many circumstances in which that is true , it seems important to acknowledge that the political system contains biases that make it much easier for some groups to secure influence than others .
22 And there are many others at which to point camera .
23 There are many others like him , lurking in the background when they should be centre stage .
24 Blackburn ( C.A. 1968 ) , Lord Denning said that while chief officers of police are answerable to law , there are many fields in which they have a discretion with which the law will not interfere .
25 If I could just come in here , there are many opportunities for them to express their individual talents .
26 There are many issues on which the drinks industry can and does join forces with governments and health promoters to combat alcohol abuse .
27 It appears that there are many points at which er we can identify with one another or I have found that I can identify with the church and its social responsibility in this country because of our experience in my country .
28 He recognises that there are many levels at which people engage with religion .
29 But , as we have seen , there are many situations in which compromise is not possible , and some in which it is not desirable either .
30 British policy making and there are many similarities between our country , not in size but in terms of its democratic traditions , British policy making tends to be in the end more uniform .
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