Example sentences of "there [verb] be some [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But I think that there has been some interesting arguments put forward this morning about the act , there 's more policemen , or sorry , should I say police officers available to Wiltshire .
2 Well , there 've been some silly things said about this in the Press , and one or two by our colleagues elsewhere .
3 There had been some 400,000 arrivals since the 1988 elections ( including 240,000 from the former Soviet Union ) , and 240,000 of them were eligible to vote , which was seen as possibly a decisive factor in what was expected to be a close electoral contest .
4 Although there had been some good reports from other growers we were not happy with crop or , particularly , flavour when we first grew it last year — 1990 .
5 There had been some authoritarian regimes that were also populist and had been sustained by votes not repressive force .
6 If only there had been some worked examples , we may have been able to follow the article .
7 Nevertheless , there had been some ugly incidents .
8 There had been some earlier pioneers , notably Robert Sturmy of Bristol , who sent two ill-fated ventures there in 1446 and 1457 , the first ending in the wreck of his ship off Greece and the second in a spoliation by the Genoese , which provoked retaliation against the Genoese in England and the seizure of their goods .
9 Although there have been some famous poets who occupied this chair ( for example Matthew Arnold and W. H. Auden ) , it has much more commonly been occupied by dons ; and the point at issue when choosing candidates for the Chair of Poetry has very seldom been their views about the subject on which they are supposed to lecture , still less their competence to do so .
10 THERE HAVE BEEN SOME GREAT sufferers in popular music — Leonard Cohen , Morrissey , Michael Bolton .
11 Generally , however , discipline has not been a problem between them in recent years and there have been some pulsating contests .
12 There have been some spectacular successes in land reclamation ( see page 138 of this issue , for example ) .
13 There have been some serious ructions when they have played table tennis , with rows and cheating and shouting matches .
14 Transmission is theoretically possible when semen , vaginal fluid or menstrual blood comes into contact with the mouth , particularly if there are bleeding gums , ulcers or infections in the mouth , and there have been some anecdotal reports of this .
15 There have been some strange reports boyfriend-wise , but it 's been very quiet really . ’
16 There have been some impressive cases of increases in productivity , notably British Airways , British Leyland , and British Steel , which have shed workers , but it remains to be seen whether the improvement will be durable or a once-only case of firms shaking out the least efficient workers .
17 It has been suggested that there is not really a contrast between and , since only occurs in weak syllables and no minimal pairs can be found to show a clear contrast between and in unstressed syllables ( though there have been some ingenious attempts ) .
18 You will have noted the additional appointment of at least one wine waiter : the fact that the total wages bill has n't increased by more than about 2.2 per cent suggests that there have been some compensating reductions , probably in the part-time staff , and almost certainly in view of the decline in trade .
19 There have been some recent changes to the membership of the TCP .
20 There have been some temporary secondments to ensure that the division is staffed as effectively as possible and that the experience available is as approprite as may be .
21 William of Germany is an ambitious man , and there have been some stupid individuals on the throne here who can not see further than their noses .
22 There have been some nasty accidents in these hills .
23 There have been some new houses built in the last few years , but Ottringham is one of the few villages in Holderness which has not seen large housing developments taking place .
24 There have been some good examples of team working , radical ideas and of getting the right people involved to make changes happen .
25 At long last Chris Lewis demonstrated his wonderful batting talent , and together with Hick blossoming and Fairbrother blending his natural game to Test demands , there have been some encouraging signs .
26 In the Philippines , there have been some encouraging developments in the case of Zosimo Alpino .
27 There have been some gloomy articles talking about retirement , but Lester wo n't think that way . ’
28 As always at this time of year , there have been some notable changes on the coaching front , with Pavel Slozil switching from being with Steffi Graf to Jennifer Capriati , Pete Sampras once again breaking from Jo Brandi and then Stanley Franker , the man credit with transforming Dutch tennis , announcing first that he would be leaving Holland to work again in Austria , and then changing his mind in the light of a new and improved offer from the Dutch Tennis Federation , who , given that country 's recent success ( 3 men in the top 40 ) , were naturally unhappy about his impending departure .
29 Although there have been some notable examples of this practice ( such as Saatchi and Saatchi , and Ward White in 1984 ) it does not appear to have become commonplace .
30 There have been some important developments since the Bill was last debated in the House almost a year ago .
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