Example sentences of "what [pers pn] [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mill says exactly what I just said in response of him that is if the people are prepared to accept these why what 's to stop them consulting and asking for advice about how they should cast their vote and so Mill later on gives a response to his own suggestion about plural voting in effect without realizing that what he 's done .
2 I said at the time that reports are ALWAYS one sided when the score is 3–0 or 4–0 , this coupled with what I actually heard on radio 5 and what Ive seen of the goals is that Leeds had plenty of the ball , just found it hard to break a 6,7,8 man defence , and norwich looked dangerous on the counter attack .
3 Some of them do it sheepishly , and with reluctance and say , It 's never what I ever had in mind .
4 What I really learnt about teaching was when I actually started the stuff .
5 As Lewis tells us in the preface to the published version of this book , his initial reaction was to wish for anonymity , ‘ since if I were to say what I really thought about pain , I should be forced to make statements of such apparent fortitude that they would become ridiculous if anyone knew who made them , .
6 But all I wanted was a bit of independence , a chance to find myself and discover what I really wanted from life . ’
7 They say they 'd appreciate knowing what I originally had in mind , so they can see if it still sounds suitable .
8 Her feelings for him had been a pallid thing beside what she now felt for Fen .
9 He represents what she truly wanted in life .
10 She even claims to be the government 's science policy coordinator — a role we should n't attach too much weight too , according to Mrs Thatcher , who once told New Scientist off for inflating this part of her job beyond what she really had in mind .
11 we 'll I know what we mean yep how do you prepare what what you physically have in front of you so that you 're able to put the point over effectively
12 NUMEROSO : Before we go on , Unesco , could you tell us what you really had in mind when you proposed this experiment ?
13 What you really need for reading is a design with a localised beam that can be directed precisely .
14 ‘ I do believe that 's what you always wear to bed , ’ he said in amazement .
15 This decline was comparable with what we previously found in colon carcinomas .
16 The tonic accent is what we normally perceive as stress .
17 So this was a new strange quantum number , and I think really what happened as new quantum numbers became necessary to describe the new types of particles , people just began to think of more sort of strange names like charm and beauty and erm things like this , but they have no real connection with what we normally understand by charm and beauty , they are just quantum numbers .
18 The entire programme of work is to be capped by a report addressed to the government summing up what we now know about unemployment and reviewing the feasible policy proposals likely to solve the unemployment problem in Britain .
19 'Given what we now know about food sensitivity , this is not necessarily the best advice .
20 In fact , Plato , who as far back as the fourth century BC had divided the sentence into what we now know as subject and predicate , used the terms ónoma and rhema ( which originally meant ‘ name ’ and ‘ saying ’ respectively ) .
21 Travelling around China I was continually amazed by the ingenuity with which the Chinese use and re-use every scrap of what we often dismiss as waste .
22 But the core of this disagreement is about what we really mean by democracy .
23 What we mainly have in answer so far , about causes and causal circumstances , is that they stand in seven connections — the last three of which are also fundamental to what will be said of nomic correlates .
24 As a good biologist , Birch begins with life , with what we directly know of feeling , living , purposing and choosing .
25 What they desperately sought in return was the score on Evenwood skipper P W Teesdale , the Big Bad Wolf of Durham County League cricket .
26 The silly thing is there is no divide on here and the only thing I can suggest really , there is a divide symbol in the computer that we can drag out but to drag it out every time it 's too boring really so I 'll think we use this I do n't like using this , but you see this symbol here , that 's what they really use for divide , so if you do that and a couple spaces , people will learn that that means divide , it 's all we can do really
27 What they really want for Christmas PAGE wom
28 What he obviously had in mind was the manoeuvre carried out by horsemen displaying their skill at a gymkhana .
29 And playing alongside white men he endured a decade-and-a-half of bitter scorn from people of his own race , in what he now recognises as racism in reverse .
30 What it really means of course is that erm I 've committed ourselves to doing the dare I say it , the odd jobs .
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