Example sentences of "what [modal v] [verb] [subord] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Locals look elsewhere in the ex-Soviet Union and Eastern Europe and fear what may happen if the row accelerates .
2 This is what must happen when a ballet ends happily .
3 Er it 's really is to follow on from this debate that we 're having about what should happen if a shortfall occurs , erm and we 've heard , I 've been listening carefully to your views about er the way in which you agree with the Good Committee that a shortfall is an employers debt , the employers responsibility to meet that shortfall and we 've been talking about that shortfall should be met , but the Good Committee also concluded that er pensioners should not be regarded as preferential creditors erm and you also agreed with that .
4 The issue of what might occur if the secession of a Member State were opposed by one or more of the others has never yet arisen .
5 What might happen if a council refused to record a person 's need for residential care because they could n't provide it ?
6 This wife stood by her afflicted husband and even expressed fears about what might happen if the firm were to remove him from his electronic friend : ‘ I know it sounds funny , but I 'm afraid that losing that computer may break his heart . ’
7 It might help at this point to ask the children a further question : " What might happen if the thief ( the rightful owner of the jewels/the alien in the above examples ) does or does not ( depending on the drama ) manage to steal the " keys " ? "
8 This excited them — maybe the idea was right after all-and also made them nervous , both for their awn safety and for what might happen if the news leaked out .
9 The rosy colour faded from Brenda 's cheeks as she thought what might happen if the van went rushing on unawares at the bridge .
10 It might seem a bit academic to worry about what would happen when the universe collapses again , as it will not start to contract for at least another ten thousand million years .
11 I was only wondering what would happen when the wind gets up . "
12 It did not , however , specify what would happen if no candidate fulfilled this condition .
13 It is perhaps not totally coincidental that there are three million unemployed and three million companies and er You could do the arithmetic about what would happen if every company took on one person .
14 The Hon. Gentleman asked what would happen if a pension scheme collapsed .
15 Asked during the Dec. 4 Supreme Soviet session what would happen if a republic refused to sign , Gorbachev replied that public opinion increasingly was in favour of the authorities ' acting " resolutely to preserve the Union " .
16 A major technical worry about the PWR design was what would happen if a leak should occur in the high-pressure water-cooling circuit which constantly withdraws heat from the reactor core .
17 Jackie Tiptoe wondered what would happen if the mill should chance to be investigated .
18 What would happen if the Institute were not accepted on a new Register ? was glad of the opportunity to speak on the matter and as the Institute representative on the Committee he was disturbed by the lack of progress by the appointed agent .
19 What would happen if the district council did n't support it yet the county council er supported it ?
20 When Boris began sleeping with her , villagers who wondered what would happen if the husband found out were told by wiser villagers : ‘ If you 'd lived in a big town you 'd know that the husband knows . ’
21 Posing the problem in terms of the equilibrium equation for extended reproduction — — he asked what would happen if the value .
22 That is what would happen if the matter were put to the House , but the Opposition seem to think that the matter could be resolved overnight .
23 In his Essay on Population in 1803 he was the first person to consider what would happen if the world 's population were to continue to grow unabated .
24 Let us consider what would happen if the power to dissolve did not exist .
25 While Guest was there he measured the flow rate and thickness of the lava outpouring — the kind of data which , he says , is essential for understanding what will happen when the flow is diverted into a side channel .
26 Eamonn de Stafort , public relations officer for SPAG , said two cattle had already died from lead poisoning but it was not certain whether dust or water pollution was responsible : ‘ What we are worried about is what will happen when the lake starts to dry up completely ’ .
27 Torque back-up or rise gives a clue to what will happen when an engine , spinning at full ( rated ) or pto speed , meets an increase in load — a boggy patch or hill .
28 Likewise , every decision is made as a result of some influence : a patient 's decision to consent to an operation will normally be influenced by the surgeon 's advice as to what will happen if the operation does not take place .
29 It 's not clear what notice will be taken on the results of the Enquiry which will be published in the Autumn , but leader of Oxford city council , Barbara Gatehouse , is worried what will happen if the plant is closed .
30 ‘ I 've seen what can happen when a person loses their heart — and their freedom — to someone else . ’
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