Example sentences of "what [be] in [det] [noun pl] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The community element of the strategy marks what is in many ways a unique experiment in physical and economic regeneration .
2 These are excellent ingredients for a cerebral cocktail , and Lévi-Strauss combines them brilliantly , producing what is in many respects an elaboration of Radcliffe-Brown 's early version of structuralism .
3 Its relative freedom from the demands of traditional methodology even produces what is in some ways a stronger account of an autonomous , integrated subject , which includes both objective and subjective characteristics .
4 But the chief aim was to construct what was in some ways an analogue of the dynamics of the personnel situation which could be watched almost while it moved .
5 His only problem was , would he survive long enough to see through what was in some ways the most monumental task he had yet set himself ?
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