Example sentences of "what [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] to [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I tell you what I 'll speak to you when I come back from the chippie yeah
2 That 's what I 'll say to him , I 've got him tomorrow .
3 Having created my opposition , I had to decide what I would do to them .
4 ‘ And you know what I would say to them !
5 ( Rip ‘ em to pieces , that 's what I 'd do to them .
6 Then , walking back to the car , I started rehearsing what I 'd say to them , almost as if I were concocting my story .
7 What I 'd say to you is , do n't mess up and throw away the opportunity you 've been given , because if you do you 'll only have yourself to blame .
8 Well I 'm bothered about her health and that and that 's what I must emphasize to her if she 's listening that er as far as we 're concerned we would want to just give her some sympathy advice and support in relation to this matter .
9 I sa , as I say , I met this morning with the three members from Potter Street erm we do have various alternative proposals for sa ways forward should the village back out and what I can say to you at this stage is that we have another meeting scheduled for next week , we will be meeting with the Resident 's Associations keeping them fully informed erm we will ensure that the letter goes back to Mrs who and the other Resident 's Associations who expressed concern there and that we will be taking , I hope , I hope because I 'm gon na have to say if Woolwich back out we 're going out we 're going have to move very fast and do some quite erm in-depth work .
10 The real source of enjoyment should be within you , and that 's what I will give to you .
11 Well yeah , for , we , what I will say to you is , try giving her a surprise , when you when you or the father lose again you should react by getting upset or angry .
12 She cut the engine , then sat with her hands clenched round the steering-wheel , suddenly uncertain what she would say to him .
13 JEWKES : I do n't like these sort of people , but we will hear what she 'll say to us , however , I sha n't fetch you any victuals , woman , but I will give you some pence .
14 She knew what she could do to him , things she bet porcelain Xanthe would never know .
15 His voice was rough , his breathing still laboured , and she smiled , enjoying in a very feminine way what she could do to him .
16 All the way up on the train , she 'd been rehearsing what she 'd say to him .
17 She hesitated , then went on in a small voice , ‘ I think I was afraid of what you could do to me .
18 ‘ How right I was , ’ she whispered , ‘ to be afraid of what you could do to me . ’
19 Erm they 're being much stricter about what you can do to them .
20 Never buy a barn without planning permission for conversion , and be prepared to find that you are very restricted in what you can do to it .
21 So they gave me minute instructions ( enclosed , along with the much-travelled draft , in the foreign-desk-clerk 's handwriting ) about what you should say to them if you can be persuaded to try them again .
22 But , what we would say to you I think this morning , Chair , is that in your officers ' view erm , yes , we think it is sensible to go forward and manage on the basis of five hundred thousand pounds addition towards that shortfall , we become increasingly nervous if that five hundred thousand pounds is reduced , and because of the uncertainty , again later in the papers you will see still have some contingencies that you could use from savings in previous years , and we will be strongly recommending to you that you retain some of those contingencies because of the uncertainty that still attaches to demands in the community care grants .
23 But what we would say to you , if you 're actually thinking about going into this media , raising your profile a bit , becoming more pro-active , that local radio provides an admirable opportunity for developing your skills .
24 what we 'll say to you is that you got that parcel on Tuesday
25 Wherever we operate , we place great emphasis on talking to our community partners about what they expect of us and what we can contribute to them .
26 Go and talk to them and say look , this is what we can provide to you .
27 I do n't know what they 'll do to you either .
28 Yet somebody had sprayed those two words on the wall , somebody who knew what they would mean to him and to no other occupant of Breakspear College .
29 He knew why they had swept him from his horse and he was terrified of what they would do to him .
30 ‘ If they do that to a dumb animal you wonder what they would do to us if we 'd disturbed them . ’
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