Example sentences of "all of [adj] [noun pl] [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Not all of these charges may be taken as evidence of ‘ litigiousness ’ , for one-quarter to one-third of prosecutions were for regulatory offences , such as gambling and tax evasion , which were normally prosecuted by the police or other government agencies .
2 For maximum efficiency all of these drugs should be used as early as possible in the treatment of the disease since clinical signs associated with pulmonary pathology are not rapidly resolved by mere removal of adult lungworms .
3 To a large degree , all of these developments can be traced back to a sudden and quite unexpected revolt against the drive and direction of nineteenth century thinking .
4 Fortunately , all of these problems can be solved if your camcorder is fitted with a socket for an extension microphone .
5 All of these problems could be overcome if the Archives were to be microfilmed and indexed using a Computer Aided Retrieval ( CAR ) system .
6 However , all of these properties can be achieved by the use of other chemicals , although perhaps not quite so economically in every case .
7 All of these texts can be read equally well as examples of the récit lacunaire paradigm in poststructuralist criticism , such is the extent to which they seem to be generated by a gap or an absence .
8 All of these things can be found here , in an album which could well be a Bunnymen work , were it not for the absence of much of the pomposity to which they were inclined ( though , unrepentant fans will note , not all of it judging by track titles like ‘ The White Hotel ’ and ‘ Proud to Fall ’ ) .
9 Well again all of these things should be done on water that 's been passed through a filter to separate the water from the sestron yeah .
10 All of these factors may be detrimental to original interior features .
11 Conveniently , the increase in demand resulting from all of these factors can be accommodated within the historically determined resource assumptions accepted by the committee .
12 Well I do n't think he is , I think what he 's put , what he 's describing is a restorationist response initially by the peasantry , all o almost all of these actions could be seen as restorationist , they are an attack on the system not working because of the actions of evil gentry , corrupt bureaucrats , local officials etcetera etcetera
13 All of these procedures could be carried out using data which was generated as a matter of course .
14 All of these timbers should be preservative-treated in accordance with BS 5589 ‘ Code for preservation of timber ’ ( by vacuum impregnation or dipping the machined sections prior to assembly for at least three minutes ) unless your door is well protected from the weather .
15 All of these specialists must be chosen with care and with an eye to the particular skills required .
16 All of these uses may be restricted in order to protect the endangered salmon .
17 All of these appointments could be used to help friends and thus to sustain a political interest .
18 All of these items can be bought from department stores .
19 Clearly , not all of these features will be found in all areas outside the inner cities .
20 All of these tips should be followed when viewing a house , with some extra points to bear in mind .
21 All of these comments might be qualities which we refuse to see in ourselves , and could guide us along the path towards self-discovery .
22 All of these techniques can be used with the spatial approach to provide various levels of integration .
23 All of these techniques can be used to explore the relation between handedness and hemispheric specialisation for language .
24 All of these issues can be a source of great emotional turmoil to many people .
25 The exclusion of liability for all of these issues can be dealt with either on a piecemeal basis by writing a particular exclusion or limitation into the contract conditions dealing with each issue , or , alternatively or in addition , by the use of blanket exclusion clauses covering the whole contract .
26 All of these ideas can be used once you are able to confidently create the more basic shapes .
27 All of these ideas can be prejudged for the correct answers , which can then be very quickly matched against each entry .
28 If had a nursery , all of these children would be able to start their education in their own community , without the expense and the disruption of being taxied out through the traffic jams .
29 All of these measures should be designed with the mobility-impaired in mind .
30 Where liability in respect of the same injury is incurred by two or more persons , both or all of those persons shall be treated as jointly and severally liable in respect of that injury or damage .
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