Example sentences of "if they [be] [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , you know how people like to be together , even if they 're pretending to be in the wild , so I was thinking of groupings of four to six cabins per lot . ’
2 But if they 're going to be with me , they know they 're going to get the spray . ’
3 They hate the way all their songs end with a huge clang of guitars , the way they holler things like ‘ Viva Boys Wonder ! ’ s if they 're going to be around forever .
4 They hate the way all their songs end with a huge clang of guitars , the way they holler things like ‘ Viva Boys Wonder ! ’ s if they 're going to be around forever .
5 I 'm not against pamphlets if they 're going to be lines in communication .
6 It 's just an excuse if they 're going to be put off voting for me because I 'm only 21 ; they would n't have done anyway . ’
7 erm How does one in any case fine a motorist who is n't standing by his car or sitting in it ? erm I would , if the question is shall we try it , if that is implied , I would say it 's worth trying in a very moderate way , it may require the police and the police representatives so to speak , the wardens if they 're going to be empowered to do this kind of thing , I think it 's going to force them to become very , very diplomatic and civilized in the way they handle it , but we of course too will have to learn to respond in a civilized manner .
8 We 're not going to get it by resurrecting the stadia that we 've got at the moment ; new ones have to be built , and if they 're going to be built in the high population areas , you know , then I think it 's realistic for the clubs in that particular area to share .
9 It 's fine if they 're proved to be guilty , otherwise it 's police harassment .
10 Such thoughts should help them to understand how attitudes , right or wrong , can persist unchanged for endless generations if they are taught to be dictated by unassailable imaginary ‘ gods ’ who are never ‘ wrong ’ .
11 They are more likely to do this if they are seen to be making a direct and positive contribution to the school 's consultative and decision-making processes , rather than observing from a distance in a way that underlines the ‘ us-them ’ relationship .
12 Both brushes and foam can also take on a partial biofiltering role , but if they are intended to be a mechanical filter , they should be cleaned before they clog .
13 Most of the other examples cited in Bolinger 's article as adjectives capable only of sense-qualification do not seem to us to be properly so classified either ; if they are felt to be atypical it is for some other reason .
14 Food premises will have to be registered so that they may be inspected and action taken if they are considered to be a health risk .
15 Whilst showing proper reluctance to enforce these convenants , the courts will , however , do so if they are shown to be reasonable …
16 Nor is there any reason to think that claims based on private law rights will not sometimes hold up public programmes if they are allowed to be brought after the short time-limit in Order 53 ; or that claims based on public law rights will necessarily cause trouble if brought after that time limit has expired .
17 EVERYONE I have spoken to about the New Zealand tour of Wales agrees that , if they are going to be beaten by anyone , it will be by one of the clubs rather than by the national side .
18 If they have an appointment with somebody they try and turn up on time or if they are going to be late , they ring up and apologise .
19 Other seed baits I have used successfully on the Severn are tares and maple peas , but I have not used the latter two very often and do not yet know if they are going to be consistently successful .
20 This group also has a sitting-in service , which is often necessary for carers if they are going to be able to get away and attend meetings at all .
21 They see it as something that they , as the caring agencies , must be involved in if they are going to be doing a good professional job .
22 State officials are dependent upon capitalist economic development and growth if they are going to be able to pursue their interests and sustain themselves in office , so they are constrained to act in the interests of capital , although not necessarily in its optimal interests ( Offe , 1984 ) .
23 Those involved in private care should arrange among themselves how they could be represented in the local planning process because if they are going to be covered by the planning arrangements then natural justice suggests that they should have an input in to the planning process .
24 Does the witness know how to contact you if they are going to be late ? ( 10 ) Do you do enough to help the witness get to court ; proper notice , instructions , map etc ? ( 11 ) Do you have a system for thanking witnesses regardless of whether they have to give evidence ? ( 12 ) Do you have an explanatory leaflet to give the witness ?
25 The largest accounting firms could be on the receiving end of proposed new penalties to prevent abuse of market power including fines of up to 10% of turnover — if they are found to be using predatory pricing .
26 If they are encouraged to be analytical in a positive and practical sense they will be more able to take a longer-term and reforming perspective .
27 Also the cohabitation ruling makes it difficult for a woman who is on supplementary benefit to have a relationship with a man without becoming financially dependent upon him , since her benefit will be stopped if they are deemed to be cohabiting .
28 Student pilots need plenty of practice at dealing with both these kinds of situation during their basic training if they are to learn to be able to spot them developing .
29 The grumbles of J. Alfred Prufrock in early Eliot are endurable if they are meant to be ridiculous , but only then ; and sitting around on Margate sands , or anywhere else , trying to connect nothing with nothing may be all right for Harvard men abroad , but ( as Eliot must already have discovered when he wrote The Waste Land ) it has nothing to do with the daily life of the Londoner .
30 after that , and then this , the fans must have wondered if they were destined to be watching a nil-nil draw .
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