Example sentences of "if they [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 You 'll need to get agreement from everyone that if they end up in the minority they will bide by the majority decision .
2 Two mini Margis in the stalls are the target of most of the ad libs , and they respond as if they grew up with the star .
3 And er Oh and if he If the time of the the er tinkers that they came round , if they came round about the time of the the pig killing they would look for the piece of bacon .
4 But I mean , the Isle of Wight if they went straight after the reception they would n't they would n't get there till Sunday .
5 On Nov. 22 the CSM cancelled a meeting after Cossiga had failed to approve the meeting 's agenda and had instead threatened to have the magistrates arrested if they went ahead with the session .
6 It might be needed if they went out for the day .
7 Well , I think , I do n't know if they went back to the pits and sort of left , but he did n't want to stay there and and got this job as a gamekeeper .
8 It would be seven and sixpence for the consultation if they went down to the surgery .
9 If they respectfully withdraw from involvement in village affairs they find themselves branded as ‘ stand-offish ’ or ‘ jumped-up ’ ; if they participate fully in the life of the village they are accused of ‘ taking over ’ and of telling the local inhabitants how to run their own community .
10 Oh yes we use cos when you 're dredging , you see when the eels came in the mud , eels always go in the mud in the winter time , you do n't , many eels swirl out , they go in the mud and when you 're dredging and they 're going into the hopper , cos they used to get stunned and they used to swim round right down the top of the water and they used to come up to the side , and if they come up to the side you could have your knife and just come here , cos they were stunned , pick 'em out .
11 You watch underneath Tim , see if they come up to the top .
12 Well , Christine takes him up there if they come here for the weekend .
13 There are about 3,000 bears there and they could be a hazard if they come out of the dens and have n't eaten for a few months . ’
14 It says that in every case authoritative directives can be overridden or disregarded if they deviate much from the reasons which they are meant to reflect .
15 The Prime Minister has warned Gloucestershire County Councillors that he wo n't hesitate to chargecap them if they go ahead with the illegal budget set yesterday .
16 We 've had the speakers up here saying that they 're going out , they 're knocking on doors , so you know , it 's not just about money , but I tell you what if they go on in the way they 're going on there 's no way Joe Bloggs is going out quite tonight on a vote night saying come out and give us your vote .
17 Old maps help , especially if they go back to the sixteenth or seventeenth centuries , and surveys of earthworks can also show early elements .
18 If they sit back against the jolly green juggernaut they 'll get run over — make no mistake about it .
19 As I was saying , if the Labour Group would like to leave the chamber we do n't really mind , if they stay out for the voting at the end of this debate which actually contrary
20 Mr Patten promises that the Government will ‘ allow ( sic ) the public to take local authorities to court if they fall down on the job of keeping the streets clean .
21 If they got out of the plane , they will probably be hiding now and trying to make their way back .
22 ‘ Their reactions ought to be recorded , ’ he believes , ‘ even if they get out of the City . ’
23 Politicians are n't going to stick their necks out to help break up the various logjams unless we 're shouting and yelling at them from the bank — for the most part to encourage them , but also to warn them of dire consequences to come if they get out of the hot water before the job is done .
24 They looked along the Atlantic coast of North America for places in which to settle , and they might have been more successful in founding colonies if they had not at the same time been engaged in what they saw as a desperate struggle to save their religious and political liberties from Catholic Spain , although the Spanish would have said the war was to some extent intended to check the rather aggressive interpretation the English placed on the idea of the freedom of the seas .
25 They were the main enemies of the predominant sect , the Pharisees , who believed that salvation would only come if they adhered strictly to the Mosaic law , as originally set out in Deuteronomy where it was made clear that the chosen people must be a ‘ clean ’ people .
26 If somebody if they turn up at the normal time , I assume when though there 's you know we could leave a not a not a notice and they could just go out .
27 CAROLINE McCLYMONT , the daughter of the late Charlie MacMillan , and the American-bred Agathist , with three successes already to their name in ladies races over Bogside 's former National Hunt racecourse , can land a fourth tomorrow if they turn out for the Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire fixtures at Irvine .
28 In the sixties , fashion was such that a girl or a fella could afford a new Biba dress or John Stephen shirt every other week , they cost 35s 9d and who cared if they fell apart at the launderette .
29 While Folly was coming uncomfortably to terms with the fact that the reason they had to avoid built-up areas was to avoid too much carnage if they fell out of the sky , Luke turned to the man in the overalls , who was waiting respectfully for them to finish talking .
30 BNFL chiefs got an injunction against U2 threatening them with arrest if they turned up at the plant gates .
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