Example sentences of "if i could [verb] my [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think you manage remarkably well , ’ Helen said , ‘ and the fact that you do makes me wonder if I could hold my party after all .
2 If I could get my applicant , you see if , let's say we pay somebody , I du n no fifty , sixty quid a week , fifty quid a week to come and for , two mornings , three mornings , or whatever that 'll then give me enough time to contact the applicants and then ma , maybe maybe two stroke three sales extra per month .
3 If I could get my hand on the dirty little tyke who wrote it — ‘
4 What I 'm saying sir is to save the inconvenience to the court is that if I could have my committal cos I do n't wan na be stuck up in this part of the country !
5 If — if I could have my dinner in my room tonight I 'll be perfectly well tomorrow . ’
6 I listened , wondering if I could hear my father .
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