Example sentences of "if i [verb] [pron] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In newspapers I 've been called bland and ‘ smoothy-chops ’ so often that it almost goes over my head now , and people go on about my baggy eyes as if I made them that way myself — which I suppose I did , in a way .
2 Well I thought if I get one this size , that will do for a few weeks rather than take some of them home and mess about better than there 's a big packet like a big one at home I 've just opened this morning so it 's
3 Oh gawld , move forward a bit , so that 's what I was going to get , but erm in BeWise they 've got erm checked shirts and they 're five ninety nine this brushed cotton thing , so I thought if I get him that waistcoat and a pair of cords , erm and get him one of these brushed cotton shirts that 'll be that sort of colour
4 Will you pop and get some chips if I get you some money ?
5 If I use my own money to buy a plough , will you supply the horses and let me spend two or three days a week hiring out to those with new lands ?
6 Oh , what pleasure would it be to me were there a good understanding between my mother and myself , when I am assured if I know my own heart , that I am so far from having any ill against her that I have almost undone myself to serve her …
7 If I had my own way , I shall tell him where to shove his petrol !
8 I know total-total that if I had my own bike , the Wheels-and-brakes Boys would n't treat me like that .
9 But if I put it another way , you could meet your anticipated contribution to the Greater York figure as spelt out in the structure plan ?
10 Erm for example if we ha if I gave you that equation .
11 If I do it that way she 'll either refuse to go , or , if she does go , she 'll be back within a short time . ’
12 If I did it all day I would n't like it — woman 's work is never done , she 's on the go all the time — even before you go to bed , you 've still got something to do — emptying ashtrays , wash a few cups up .
13 Well ca n't , if I did it that way it would use your because it might all , take all the bubbles out !
14 If I pour her some Coke she wo n't drink it .
15 If I give you another example of that .
16 If I give you some background to , to Moat and to the project itself , an and how we 're gon na approach the scheme I 'll then hand over to Alan who will talk about the design issues and the master plan and we 'll price the Three Hills and how they 'll they can meet that subjective .
17 But it it might be worth if if I outline my own office view
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