Example sentences of "if i [verb] [adv] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I would have married her , if I 'd never seen your beautiful face !
2 We would have only McGurk 's word for what happened subsequently if I had not positioned my ear by the keyhole of his office .
3 He said she would have if I had n't pull her fucking hand brake up .
4 Sitting at table with these guests I would have felt uncomfortable even if I had n't robbed my sister .
5 What would it be like though if I had n't got my eleven appointments ?
6 She would n't be as popular as she is today if I had n't guided her career .
7 I 'd still be a lowly civil servant if I had n't had my castle . ’
8 I want to look dark and menacing ; the way I ought to look , the way I should look , the way I might have looked if I had n't had my little accident .
9 If I had n't had my child to take my mind off things , God alone knows what I would have done to you . ’
10 " I could shake it off if I had n't hurt my neck . "
11 If I had simply interpreted her remarks as having the function of imparting information and replied : ‘ Oh , how interesting .
12 If I had simply interpreted her remarks as having the function of imparting information and replied : ‘ Oh , how interesting .
13 Like if I sit there painting my nails he 'll say what started that ?
14 If I do n't break my neck . ’
15 If I do n't persuade my father to sell you the club , you 'll manufacture enough fake information to make the police suspicious enough to close me down ? ’
16 Good luck to them , I say , but excuse me if I do n't stick my hand down my trousers and smile .
17 So I hope you 'll understand that if I do n't include my subscription with this letter it 's not because I do n't support you and if I shop in Smiths it 's not because I want them to sell pornography .
18 The old boy soldiered on , perplexed , till almost teatime on the first one-dayer , before throwing in the towel with blanket irony — ‘ Well , if I do n't know their names , at least it 's jolly nice to see all the familiar faces again . ’
19 ‘ What if I do n't play his game ?
20 ‘ But do n't take it to heart if I do n't follow your advice .
21 If I do n't see their names in the overnight declarations on Friday afternoon , I 'll be on the blower to the News of the World before you can say ‘ flagellation ’ , right ?
22 He has denied he is on the verge of quitting — ‘ Im suprised if people thought I am the sort who takes my bat and ball home if I do nt get my way ’ .
23 And , I must say , it would have to be a very bad year if I did n't double my clients ’ money ! ’ she added , before breaking off to answer more phone calls .
24 It was always hard to get going , for if I did n't carry my own sins , and hence guilt , then my dad 's sins were always about to be draped around my neck like a dead albatross .
25 It would serve you right if I did n't tell my piece de resistance . ’
26 Well she walked she walked by me in town and if I did n't know her better I would n't know she were pregnant .
27 How long do you think I 'd stay in business if I did n't keep my lines clean ?
28 well I said as mu if I did n't take my shoes off it
29 And if I did n't follow your car , which I did n't , how on earth would I have known where you lived ? ’
30 But I would not be true to myself if I did not record my own thanks to all who serve on the Board for their hard and devoted work and at this time , to take a moment to thank the retiring vice convenor Bill for his work , his prayers , his support , his wisdom and his fellowship over the many years that he and I have served together .
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