Example sentences of "if i [verb] [prep] my [adj] " in BNC.

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1 and I , if I get onto my last one I might order one but I 've got
2 Clearly , if I speak from my critical parent state too often , patronising you and moralising at you , directing you as a child , and you retaliate in a parent state and attempt to direct me back as a child , we 've got a ‘ crossed transaction ’ .
3 You will ask yourself , ‘ If I listen to my best friend within and follow the precepts , will he lead me to the same holiness as those whose life was dedicated to the light ? ’
4 If I look at my last two years in football it 's been virtually to the last kick of the game in the last two seasons , so it will be the same again .
5 That still left equipment , so I pondered which BCA member retailer would be least likely to tell me to get knotted if I telephoned with my hypothetical shopping list .
6 For example , the thought ‘ They are on my left ’ does not ‘ succeed ’ as a thought unless I can also have other thoughts such as ‘ If I move to my left they will move to my right ’ , ‘ They are substantial ’ ( that is , not a chimera ) , ‘ They are reachable/not reachable ’ , ‘ They are supported by something ’ , ‘ A large opaque object coming between me and them would render them invisible to me ’ …
7 ‘ He has just told me that if I continue in my present path , remain the fine , upstanding , clean-living boy I so evidently am , I may one day hope — wait for it — to be elected to — Gracious heavens ! — the Cullbridge Athenaeum ! ’
8 Maybe I do n't feel as if I exist in my own right .
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