Example sentences of "if a [noun] [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 If a vehicle needs to be temporarily substituted for one of the operator 's authorized vehicles or a vehicle needs to be transferred from one operating centre to another the LA does not need to be informed .
2 If a school has to be defended in a head 's report , the defence may take the form of not providing as much information as governors would want .
3 Fowles 's finest novel , The French Lieutenant 's Woman ( 1969 ) , is decorated with parodistic devices far less integral than in Joyce 's Ulysses , as if a technique needed to be aped and mocked in order to be exorcised .
4 If a firm expects to be rationed in the future in the goods market , it is more likely to increase its current sales rather than produce for inventories .
5 On the one hand , trade unionists were increasingly confident that the period of post-war wage reductions was about to be halted , even if a battle remained to be fought .
6 If a window has to be tailor-made , you must expect to pay for it if it does n't fit !
7 Edouard , if a man had to be responsible for every little by-blow , where would it end ?
8 When a man wished to know what a king should be like , his clerical advisers would give him an expurgated account of the careers of King David , King Solomon and King Hezekiah ; if a man aspired to be emperor , he might hear a little about Constantine and Theodosius and other imperial figures of the distant past ; but he would hear above all about Charlemagne .
9 Does he agree that the price being paid by 2.5 million unemployed this Christmas is too high , and that if a price has to be paid for the economic mess that our country is in , it should be paid in full by himself and his ragbag of right hon. Friends ?
10 I think if a museum gets to be talked about ‘ Oh , well , they 've sold this and they 've sold that ’ I for one would want to make very sure that whatever I gave them could n't be sold .
11 If a message has to be taken , be certain to record the date , time of message , who it is for , and who it is from , and always repeat the message back to the caller to ensure that the details are correct .
12 If a text needed to be amended , or comment made on it , this was done on the file itself , either on the relevant paper within the file or on a note attached to it .
13 If a decision has to be made in April 1992 , then South Africa has some way to go yet before proving its case .
14 Mr. Tom Andrews , whom I remember as a very old man , had worked at The White Hart Hotel and even in his old age was in demand if a ham had to be sliced for a wedding or similar function .
15 This is correct though we doubt if a reductio has to be taken into account and prefer the approach of non-fanciful construction which has been recently reaffirmed in Home Counties Dairies v Skilton ( see p63 ) .
16 Briefly , it is this : that if a topic happens to be a non-meaning , then it must be possible , in addition , to refer to it by means of different , non-synonymous descriptive phrases expressing different yet essential features of the non-meaning in question .
17 If a pesticide has to be used , a smaller dose may be adequate .
18 Why should the fact that D was engaged on causing damage to property at the time ( even damage to D's own property ) make his conduct into an offence punishable with life imprisonment when , if D were engaged on some other activity , it would not be punishable as such and would only amount to manslaughter if a death happened to be caused ?
19 If a horse has to be shot , or , I suppose , a rider — perhaps they do that sort of thing in polo ; I expect they do since the Army has a hand in it — you do n't have to go out of your way to ensure that she has a ringside seat .
20 If a woman decides to be sexually active with a man , carrying a condom is only sensible .
21 If an item requires to be replaced we should ensure that we are replacing on a like for like basis and not giving the insured a superior item containing advanced features and additional facilities .
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