Example sentences of "if it [be] [vb pp] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 My hypothesis is that there is a space for a socialist argument in favour of investment planning ; that such an argument could be presented in such a way as to appeal to organised labour and even to broader strata of the population concerned about employment prospects and their standard of living in retirement ; that if organised workers were to support the proposal they could use their union organisation to press for social accountability of their savings funds ; and that if the proposals were not linked to a ‘ dogmatic ’ pursuit of nationalisation they would stand a chance of recruiting some support from the more progressive elements of the state and corporate salariat — those whose technical expertise would be required in any such project , even if it is overlaid with oppressive ‘ professional ’ and ‘ managerial ’ ideologies — helping to isolate , so far as possible , reactionary financier elements .
2 The recipe is also delicious if it is made with smoked salmon pieces , but the trout is a little more unusual .
3 Not known if present in Graecopithecus , but may be so if it is associated with increased brow ridge development .
4 The risk to the firm 's image in the financial community and the industry if it is associated with adverse criticism in a large or well-publicised transaction .
5 The risk to the firm 's image in the financial community and the industry if it is associated with adverse criticism in a large or well-publicised transaction .
6 The heater matrix on the SIII commonly blocks up if it is used with hard water so it may need cleaning out by a radiator specialist or replacing as flushing with cleaning chemicals is not very effective .
7 If a family of , say , five could in years of normal food prices be almost supported on 4s 6d a week , then a payment of 6d or 1s , either to a single pauper or as a supplement to the earnings of a large family , was indeed significant , especially if it was combined with occasional relief payments for tools , clothing , towards rent or for medicine .
8 Day after day the German heavies pounded the corpses in this gully , until they were quartered , and re-quartered ; to one eye-witness it seemed as if it were filled with dismembered limbs that no one could or would bury .
9 Carl Sagan , the distinguished astrophysicist , suggested in 1961 that Venus could be made habitable to earthlings if it were seeded with blue-green algae , which would split up the carbon and oxygen molecules to glean the carbon necessary for the glucose and carbohydrate diets they would need .
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