Example sentences of "if it [be] [adj] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Even if it be true that the Roman system of water supply survived in Perugia and a few other cities into the Middle Ages and has been believed to be better than anything the modern world has yet provided — in most places water was hard to come by and almost as expensive at times as wine .
2 Wherever you take them , though , try , if it is possible and the weather is good , to arrange for them to spend some of the time out of doors — for the housebound elderly are often short of vitamin D , which most of us get from natural sunlight ( as well as certain foods ) and this deficiency can lead to the painful condition of osteomalacia , in which there is rarefaction of the bones .
3 But if it is new and a lot of people go there , they will be angry , and it will be difficult to buy it .
4 ( iii ) If it is correct that the duty owed to trespassers is a minimum standard which can not be excluded , then this minimum standard can not be excluded against visitors .
5 This can be a welcome comfort if it is essential that the bidder acquires 100 per cent of the target .
6 However , if it is unambiguous that a user wishes to change his mode of operation from , say , navigation to content search , his status will be changed transparently from , in this case , REPLAY to INACTIVE .
7 Also , the map can be regenerated if it is apparent that a mistake has been made in the specifications .
8 If it is inevitable that the over-mighty Hun is to be in the driving seat of European security and defence policies , would it not be more honest and dignified if these matters were decided by a majority vote as we could then at least honestly state our position ?
9 If it is obvious that a word is a loan word , keep it , but make a note that it is a loan .
10 I wonder if it is desirable that the Revenue , either indirectly as above , or directly by their alternative proposal of ‘ fiscal accounting ’ , should dictate a business 's year end ?
11 If it is clear that a listed building is being neglected and is in urgent need of repair , and the owner has no plans to remedy this or to sell the property , the next stage is simple .
12 In R. v. Monopolies and Mergers Commission , ex parte Argyll Group plc Lord Donaldson MR said that courts must show ‘ a proper awareness of the needs of public administration ’ : a court should be wary of striking down a decision if it is clear that the same decision would have been made even if the decision-maker had not acted unlawfully ; or if doing so would unduly delay the conduct of government business ; or if members of the public are likely already to have relied on the challenged decision ; or if the court thinks that the applicant 's motivation in making the application was improper or vexatious or frivolous .
13 The Code provides that the search should be discontinued if it is clear that the goods are not on the premises unless the police have the right to continue the search under different power .
14 Nevertheless , if it is doubtful that a patient will keep his first appointment , or if more information about his home circumstances is required , it may be helpful to start therapy at home and continue in outpatients .
15 If it is less than a hundred-per cent change , ignore it ; you are studying the wrong system or have designed the wrong experiment , he insisted .
16 If it is less than the level at which NI contributions must be paid , your employee can not get SSP .
17 If it is less than the lower earnings limit which applied in the QW , your employee can not get SMP .
18 If it is less than the lower earnings limit which applied in the QW , your employee is not entitled to SMP .
19 If this time period is greater than the input pulse width , the motor is driven in one direction whilst if it is less than the input pulse width , the motor is driven in the opposite direction .
20 Even if it is likely that a Labour administration would have failed in the round to solve Britain 's fundamental problems , there is little doubt that at a minimum there would have been a substantial redistribution of income and some attempt to reform the City , regulate public utilities more strongly and determinedly tackle the homelessness problem .
21 If it is likely that the Purchaser has to inject money into the business it could end up losing more than it paid if there is a total disaster and the Vendor 's liability is limited in this way .
22 If it is true that no man knows what may befall him , nor how he may make himself safe against all future evils , is it not therefore the wisest course to make no provision , but to live in the present experience only ?
23 If it is true that the Japanese have pardoned the politicians implicated in the Recruit affair , Mr Takeshita may indeed feel that the time is ripe for his return .
24 If it is true that the publication of figures showing a deficit shortly before the election was a significant factor in Labour 's ‘ last minute ’ loss of support , it is surely fitting — a case of Wilson being hoist by his own technocratic petard .
25 They were not in a position to remind them that " an Ammonite and a Moabite shall not enter the congregation of the Lord " ( Deut. 23.4 ) — if it is true that the Tobiads were Ammonites .
26 If this is indeed so , and if it is true that the latency period is in decline as an important cultural phenomenon , then it seems difficult not to conclude that in some very significant respects modern Western child-rearing practices are approximating more to those of pre-Neolithic , pre-agricultural societies like those of the Australian aborigines than to modern industrial ones .
27 The court may dismiss the petition if it is satisfied that the debtor is able to pay all his debts or is satisfied
28 The Court of Appeal is not bound to follow a decision of its own if it is satisfied that the decision was given per incuriam .
29 This provides that a court may only make a care order if it is satisfied that the child concerned is suffering significant harm .
30 ( 3 ) At such adjourned meeting the licensing board may , if it is satisfied that the terms specified by the board have been complied with ( a ) proceed to grant the licence to the applicant or , as the case may be , to his executors , representatives or disponees ( being possessed of the premises in respect of which the application has been made ) ; ( b ) proceed to consider the objection , whether on the part of the objector or , in the case of a deceased objector , on the part of his representatives ; as if the preliminary requirements of this Act had been complied with .
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