Example sentences of "if [pers pn] 'll [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Gets right under my skirts if you 'll excuse the expression .
2 Colleagues , I would say , and if you 'll excuse the expression , I do n't think this C E C knows its arse from its elbow .
3 You 'll have to bear with me David , I think you 're only the second person I 've ever had , if you 'll excuse the expression , in this studio .
4 Did you know that almost all modern dentures are made by polymerising methyl methacrylate ? the name is a bit of a mouthful ( if you 'll excuse the pun ) , and is better known by the acronym MMA .
5 ‘ The snow 's very loose on the Wildhorn at this time of year and all it took was a small charge to start the ball rolling , if you 'll excuse the pun .
6 There may be more to this than meets the eye ( if you 'll excuse the pun ) as just once in a while I have taken zander during the daytime in water that has been so clear that I would have rated my chances as zero .
7 He is taking their eyes , if you 'll excuse the pun , off their situation and condition , off their blindness , off their need , off the miracle even , and he 's directing it to themself .
8 And the other fear , of course , was that the cost of fuel is going to go out literally through the roof , if you 'll excuse the pun , erm that does n't seem to have happened , so again presumably they the tour operators will be able to hold prices , certainly as far as the flights are concerned ?
9 An ’ if you 'll pardon the liberty , ladies , I reckon I 'd shirk my duty if two pretty young ladies had come all this way special .
10 If you 'll pardon the correction , not so much as a million , ’ said one of the lady lodgers .
11 He wraps it in balls if you 'll pardon the expression and puts it in M+M packets .
12 Had the most exciting offer to do another dig at Isurium Brigantum , your cantonal capital , it 's a dream come true if you 'll pardon the expression .
13 ‘ Sounds to me like your daughter needs a good kick up the arse , if you 'll pardon the expression . ’
14 Indeed from his point of view , that of the tellee ( if you 'll pardon the expression ) , being told the truth just is finding it out by a certain kind of indirect observation .
15 ‘ And four of those bloody years I spend in a bloody prison-camp — if you 'll pardon the expression .
16 If you 'll pardon the expression , you look kinda white . ’
17 Why should they send a senior vice president to check out what must be , if you 'll pardon the description , a minor cog in such a huge enterprise ?
18 If you 'll pardon the pun . ’
19 If you 'll wash the lettuce I 'll make my special dressing and we could pick some wild sorrel and chop it in at the last minute . ’
20 Of course , it might be said that a man in your position , if you 'll forgive the expression , is dieting either because his lover has threatened to leave him if he does n't shed a few pounds or because his lover has left him and he feels a need to , shall we say , freshen up .
21 In my own defence I can say only that I went along for the ride , as it were , if you 'll forgive the expression , Mr Milton . ’
22 Furthermore , if anybody catches you in the club showers , your lover is very likely to end up being blackballed ( if you 'll forgive the phrase ) .
23 And that 's why it may be a good ten minutes or so before a man can lift a finger ( if you 'll forgive the phrase ) .
24 Still , it is difficult to imagine this immensely civilised music ever being more persuasively presented , as once again performance ( bar a couple of mild intonation slips in the ‘ Sicut erat ’ of the C major Magnificat ) and production values are ( if you 'll forgive the in-phrase ) truly ‘ state of the art ’ .
25 It did n't occur to you to let sleeping dogs lie , if you 'll forgive the cliché ? ’
26 Where 's the point in that , if you 'll forgive the pun ?
27 A record number of pupils received their A-level results today , but many will be left wondering if they 'll get the place they want at university .
28 Er erm July , er June is erm , according to Chris 's seasonality figures , normally about erm twelve percent higher than the mean , erm so if they 'll take the mean at about , at being about three hundred and fifty , you know we 're looking at a figure of somewhere just over four hundred for July , as opposed to last July which was erm I think five er four hundred and ninety four complaints in the month , so it 's very unlikely that that output figure will continue going up next month .
29 However it does n't look as if he 'll take the presidency there .
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