Example sentences of "if [pers pn] had [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Though that was easier said than done she would do her best , and try instead to enjoy what she could of the coming seven days , and treat each day as a holiday and as if she had n't a care in the world .
2 And , and to be able to if you like , bring it as a dowry , but it would n't have mattered if she had n't a penny .
3 If we had not a right to the kingdom , we were mere mercenary soldiers .
4 But I 'd be surprised if they had n't a front-runner in mind , because there will be a lot of hard work to be done getting a replacement this summer .
5 The Frenchman sat opposite me at the large farmhouse table chatting away for all he was worth and after the meal he puffed away at his pipe as if he had n't a care in the world .
6 Not just on board , but stretched out along the wooden bench , for heaven 's sake , as if he had n't a care in the world , as if he owned the place .
7 She watched him stroll away down the corridor as if he had n't a care in the world , knowing full well he was putting the act on for her benefit , and that he must be worrying about the star performer who was also his best friend .
8 Fernando sat at one of those tables , reading the Diario de Mallorca newspaper as if he had n't a care in the world , which he had n't , Ruth supposed , other than considering new ways to torment her and Steve .
9 They left the bar , Bodo exchanging farewells as if he had not a care in the world .
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