Example sentences of "if [pers pn] was [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was the list of undesirable aliens who were banned from entering the Bahamas , and if my name was put on that Stop List , and if I was then thrown off the islands , I would probably never see my boat again .
2 I walked slowly back up the shabby road to this now miserable room , thinking all the while of what I ought to do or what I could do if I was ever going to outmanoeuvre these cunning poisoners .
3 But Chaman was very protective and supportive ; it was as if I was still living with my mother . ’
4 I 'm sure that if I was still living in England we would n't have got the push that we had on the last album and we would n't have got nominated for a Grammy .
5 Cruel , a little , but not savage : Alix could see Hannah smiling gamely , taking it in good part , and wondered if she was also taking in the rather subtle sub-text of allusions to drugs other than nicotine .
6 It is unknown how long Leapor worked for Susanna Jennens and the Chauncys , or if she was also employed at other houses .
7 And then , so gently that she was hardly aware of what was happening — as if she was merely swaying with the tide — he gradually pulled her towards the shore , slowly drawing her up against the bare , damp skin of his broad chest .
8 She set to work on Emily 's shoes , pride insisted that she finish the job she had begun even if she was never paid for it .
9 Amanda said she loved the live show , that Sandra was n't particularly attractive but had a great body and showed what good hair and good clothes could do , and then , in an off-hand comment that she probably regretted almost immediately , declared that if she was ever to sleep with a woman , it would be Sandra .
10 Erm I think we need to endorse the action taken by the judicial treasurer and then if we was then to go onto second bits , which is urging the churches to give five percent more than that in the past you could debate that se separately .
11 a party if it was closely linked to that party by organisation , loyalty to party goals and the partisanship of its readers .
12 Anyhow , we had open views over the Heath and Vale of Health and it made a lovely family home even if it was badly designed with a huge wasteful " well " in the middle of the house which had the advantage of enabling us to come downstairs in a series of flying leaps , holding on to tall mahogany pillars at the corners of the stairway .
13 AT&T could find such co-operation elusive if it was also competing with them .
14 Previously she had worn it flat , practically plastered down on her head , until it looked as if it was almost painted on her scalp , like that of a wooden doll .
15 I opened his razor in the bathroom to rub the powered residue of his beard in my fingers , and wondered if it was still growing on his dead face .
16 If , during training , the rat was always released in the same place , and if it was then released in a different one , it could still swim directly to the platform .
17 The one who was doctrinaire was Williams , who regarded the iambic measure as a chief curse of the English legacy from which American poetry must free itself if it was ever to stand on its own .
18 In many respects a superb centre , even if it was poorly served by public transport and lacked the atmosphere of the Casa de Campo , the new complex would have been too large and expensive for a leaner fair with a thinner list of participating galleries .
19 He made it clear that he thought a minority Labour government would have no right to a dissolution if it was rapidly defeated in the Commons .
20 If it was definitely linked to her death I might have to break a promise — which I 'd hate doing because the repercussions for the crew could be very serious — but it 's too vague to go to Foucard and run risks with other people 's livelihoods . ’
21 His tireless work for the cause of Albanian nationalism was rewarded in 1913 with the first of two enquiries on the point of whether he would be prepared to accept the throne of Albania , if it was formally offered to him .
22 Well , I am alas going to have to leave out my discussion of God in Paradise Lost , the question of whether , by presenting the obedience to God you can somehow make it more palatable to the readers ' tastes than you could if it was entirely thought of as a secular morality .
23 If he was briefly waylaid by the hippie years , he quickly put the master plan back into action .
24 He sounded as if he was thoroughly disgusted by the whole business and she felt a pang of dismay .
25 He knew full well that the only circumstances in which a regional planning manager would not be expected personally to present his Ten Year Business Plan to the President of the Corporation was if he was already earmarked for promotion and it was desired to give visibility to his successor , or if he was on his way out .
26 If he was still living with you he would n't wash his hands of Neil , would he ?
27 But he looks as if he was still left with a shooting chance .
28 If he was really living in the house he must be taking pains to leave no signs of his occupancy .
29 I wondered if he was really talking about himself , but was too angry to ask .
30 She looked sideways at Finn to see if he was sufficiently irritated by all this .
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