Example sentences of "if [pers pn] go [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If I go openly to the stable no one 's going to question it .
2 Well I think what I 'll do , if I go round by the market I can drop you there by the multi-storey car park and you can then just walk through to Baston 's ca n't you ?
3 ‘ And I 'm frightened that if I go down to the cellars I might die . ’
4 If I go back along the path again he can have a good sniff there .
5 If I go back to the diagonal layer , quite often I get a question .
6 If I go inside on a drugs charge again , I might as well kiss the kids goodbye , y'know what I mean … .
7 It 's nothing , this is the way I deal with it , if I treat this job , if I go in to a shop or ask for any service I expect , you know , the same that I give , and basically speaking then I 'm pleased .
8 you have a sweet and all that sort of thing , I mean you ca n't I ca n't resist them if I go out for a meal , I 've got to have the sweet , I 'd rather have the sweet
9 Yeah , cos we was there in the August , they were n't , we moved in , in the July , there , and the girls were , Matthew was just four , cos just as we moved in our dad took Matthew to Hungary with him , it was like , it was like they were going on the following Wednesday , and he told me on the Friday , he came in on the Friday night , they planned , it was our dad , Crystal and Danielle , Crystal and Danielle , but she said even if I go out in the middle of .
10 " If I went over to the hotel now and had supper , that would give you about an hour to find a man and get ready .
11 They could n't make emergency payments themselves , but if I went down to the social security office …
12 I — think if I had some fresh air today I should feel much better , if I went down to the sea , perhaps . ’
13 If I went out at the age of 68 at Drury Lane to celebrate Rory Bremner 's 50 years in showbusiness and I had n't got my pyjamas on , somebody would shout ‘ Where 's your pyjamas ’ ? ’
14 When I lived at home my mum was cool about whatever I wore ; her only considerations were practical ones , like insisting I wore ten million jumpers if I went out in the cold .
15 If she went away over the holidays and she had plastic surgery and she came back looking like Cindy Crawford or , I do n't know , do you think people would react differently to her or do you think they 'd be disgusted ?
16 If she went out into the rue du Bateau her suspicions might latch on to an innocent person coming from one of the other flats .
17 If she went out of the yard , which was rarely , one or other would go with her , and they never both left the yard together .
18 Well I mean for the first year she wo n't be in if she goes in as a student she 'll be in college .
19 then if you went again in the autumn you you ge you get er fifty pounds ' worth of vouchers or something , yo you go half price .
20 I asked her about the letter and she said she could n't remember anything about it but she filled in something when they came back from Belfast and she said open it , so I opened it and it 's one of these things er if you book to go to Dublin before May the whatever , the end of May , then if you went again in the Autumn , you you get er fifty pounds worth of vouchers or something , you go half price .
21 Now if you went out for a ferry , you 'd have one of us guarding the stereo one person on that .
22 You could get round that , if you went out during the singing of it .
23 You know , I wonder what would happen , if you went along to the Norfolk Street Police Station and said , will you please give us the name of our local policeman .
24 Boulogne is one of the French ports and if you went there on a day trip with your parents le ferry would take about 1 heure 40 minutes to cross the English Channel .
25 We were told that if you went there in the dark your hand would be rubbed by a cold , spectral doggy nose .
26 And then you had yuppies , but nobody mixed , and the feeling , if you went down to the Turkish
27 If you go outside in the cold mornings
28 But if you go just across the river , to Anglia .
29 But if you look at the sixty five and add on the twelve , it 's er seventy seven and of course if you go on to the actuarial figures actually get better as you get older in terms of actual lifespan .
30 The positive side is obviously if you go ahead with the Celebration of Election , smashing .
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