Example sentences of "if [pers pn] [verb] n't have [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But if I do n't have nine I 'm not worth talking to , really .
2 " But if I do n't have that name you 'll walk the streets too — and you know how difficult it will be to find another position without references . "
3 Oliver said , ‘ If I do n't have any breakfast for a week , would that pay enough to get the vet for Henry ? ’
4 as if I do n't have enough on my plate already . ’
5 And if I do n't have quiet now you 'll probably have to get him for me .
6 ‘ I reckon that if I did n't have that cigarette first thing in the morning , I could last out and resist the rest of the day .
7 I feel as though if I did n't have that drive I would have opted out of teaching long ago .
8 If I did n't have that advantage , I might easily be extremely suspicious of what was going on and think that much of the sort of thing they 're used to especially at primary school was not maths at all but was playing around with bits of string and round cylinders and erm certainly nothing like I remember doing .
9 If I did n't have long hair , everyone would think I was a boy .
10 A profoundly deaf therapist said : ‘ I do feel that if I did n't have this type of job where I 'm meeting different people every day I would withdraw very quickly into myself . ’
11 If she does n't have older brothers and sisters , or young cousins , adults will do , as long as they 're prepared to play with her — so commandeer aunts , uncles , grannies and granddads .
12 If she does n't have any of these experiences before meeting other children , however , she wo n't understand the concept of ‘ sharing ’ at all , and will howl inconsolably if a toy is taken away from her .
13 as if she did n't have enough troubles to contend with .
14 if you do n't have two months , you ca n't do it
15 But a room divider does n't have to be a permanent fixture , particularly if you do n't have much space .
16 Prepare a sheet for each of the sounds you have recorded , or for each suspect set of sounds if you do n't have much data to work with .
17 If we can put something pictorially it saves probably half an hour 's explanation does n't it if you do n't have that so very much er the use of the right brain getting the point across visually er gets it across er much more quickly .
18 so you 'd be paying out for some more tyres if you do n't have that checked or anything
19 If you do n't have all the ingredients for the curry sauce , you could add a can of prepared curry sauce to the beef and chopped vegetables and simmer the same way .
20 If you do n't have still pictures for the video materials you are using , you could still adapt these ideas by using freeze frame on the video itself .
21 It needs a powerful machine to run it at a reasonable speed but even if you do n't have such a machine you need to know about it as a sign of things to come .
22 What affected my career was having children , which immediately means that you ca n't devote the amount of time to your career as you can if you do n't have other responsibilities , and the reason that I 'm now a Research Fellow here , and I work part-time — only eighty per cent of the time — is because of trying to tie in one 's responsibilities as a mother with those as a scientist , and this has obvious effects .
23 If you do n't have enough money to get to the hospital and you do not need ambulance service transport on medical grounds ask the hospital to send you payment in advance .
24 But call me up if you do n't have enough .
25 Well , what we 've decided to do is er know what to do and er this , this is the gang this is maybe exaggerated if you do n't have three people on the bottom if you get Any thing else ?
26 ( If you do n't have either of these , find someone who has and ask them to record a few straightforward patterns or beats at around 80–100 beats per minute on a cassette — it will work just as well . )
27 Note that some of the Battle Magic spells come from the Restless Dead book and , if you do n't have this , then you should substitute spells of your choice .
28 If you do n't have this book , use the profile for a Greater Daemon from the WFRP rulebook ) .
29 If you do n't have fresh greenery to make garland , fake ones are practical and just as attractive .
30 If you do n't have fresh fruit to hand , just use an equal weight of canned or frozen fruit instead .
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