Example sentences of "if [pers pn] [verb] down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And I 'm frightened that if I go down to the cellars I might die . ’
2 They could n't make emergency payments themselves , but if I went down to the social security office …
3 I — think if I had some fresh air today I should feel much better , if I went down to the sea , perhaps . ’
4 I feel I could play , but if I broke down during the game I would be letting down the team and myself .
5 I found that if I settled down to the tape and the life of Apricot Smith , I became quite comfortable .
6 if she parks down in the door and he comes up
7 If you break down in the tunnel and you require assistance , the fireman takes from the driver a Wrong Line Order , colour green , and walks to the signal box , putting down three detonators as a guide when he pilots the Break Down on the wrong line to the train .
8 And then you had yuppies , but nobody mixed , and the feeling , if you went down to the Turkish
9 IF YOU go down to the beach today you 're sure of a big surprise .
10 If you go down to the woods today , make sure it 's not the Forest Of Dean .
11 Nowadays , Saint-Jean deals chiefly in the large if unappetizing tuna and the extremely appetizing but , compared with the whale , somewhat trivial catch , of anchovies ; but it is a town that smells very satisfactorily of brine and can be loud with the engines of trawlers if you go down to the harbour at the right moment .
12 But if you go down to the woods today you wo n't get a big surprise , because as boars have a tendency to charge at people they 're being kept in by an electric fence .
13 If you go down to the woods today , prepare for a big surprise .
14 If you go down to the woods today
15 Because if you go down to the shop it 's a thir a ten , a ten , ten pesetas
16 If you drive down to the course that needs to be your transport when you get your first assignment .
17 er , we have in the East end of the village , including the pub , the farm , and various other properties , a certain type of properties that elevation , a certain sympathetic er amenity , and these buildings , I I heard the word mentioned earlier , I live in the country , I could live in the town , it does n't matter where I live , but these are not the sort of properties , in my opinion , that should be put on this particular site , er and they 're they 're totally , all our own elevations and plans of height , and they are totally and utterly out of proportion and out of scale with the present day entrance to the village , and whilst we 're not talking totally and utterly about looks , if you come down into the village they are going to be totally over powering , particularly in the , in the actual , in this situation of no hedges and that kind of thing ,
18 Then , there 's never been a shortage of contributions for London 's musical guidebook ; have all helped to flesh out its pages , along with ‘ Kings Cross ’ , a song that the Pet Shop Boys wrote ( a ) ‘ Because it 's the London terminus you reach if you come down from the North-East ’ ; ( b ) Chris Lowe lived there ; and ( c ) ‘ It seemed like a good title about people waiting .
19 Now if you nip down to the Victoria Hospital , if you know where that is in Mansfield ?
20 If you clamber down to the low water mark when the tide is receding ( the ‘ ebb ’ tide ) , you will find dry land appear before you and rivulets of water flowing out towards the sea .
21 erm Now , there 's a very nice one , if you move down to the single stroke , you see there are two 2s written , and below that there 's a single stroke .
22 Right so if we get down to the hospital this afternoon
23 If we push down on the canvas by putting a heavy object on it we create a dent .
24 I think in next weekend possibly er if we drove down on the Sunday evening
25 It would be seven and sixpence for the consultation if they went down to the surgery .
26 Mr Patten promises that the Government will ‘ allow ( sic ) the public to take local authorities to court if they fall down on the job of keeping the streets clean .
27 Those who win money on the horses at Kirkby Lonsdale races in Cumbria can quickly sober up if they wander down from the racecourse to see how their rates have been spent on the adjacent reaches of the river Lune , where the recently cemented banks are dramatically caving in , and attempts at bank protection appear to have made matters worse .
28 The philosophy that if it goes down in the US it must be going up in Europe has meant that Smurfit is looking to Europe as its main engine for growth in the months to come , when it must decide how to spend the $1bn cash raised from the recent financial restructuring with Morgan Stanley .
29 Cinderella , oh I do n't know when that one 's coming down if it comes down to the pictures we 'll go and watch it , I 'll promise you that , right , who 's nicked my cup ?
30 But he , he was getting more money in Bailey 's so he ended up if he went down to the , the he would get two fifty still .
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