Example sentences of "if [pron] were [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was as if I were surrounded by snarling dogs held back by chains .
2 If you were promoted from general secretarial duties to organizing the flow of work through the typing pool you can assume you ‘ have qualities of leadership and organizational skills ’ .
3 The location of the airfields was not logical if they were intended for defensive purposes .
4 Communism had been his religion , the romantic , revolutionary communism of 1917 and Petrograd and the streets full of soldiers and sailors and workers and red flags and armoured cars that looked as if they were made of galvanised steel buckets , and the cruiser Aurora out on the river with its searchlight blazing — now there was a fairground panel he could have painted if only he could have got away with it — but it was n't the same any more .
5 She wore enormous shapeless skirts which looked as if they were made from old curtains or bedspreads , and baggy sweatshirts which she had dyed herself in dingy shades of rust , snot-green and pale mouldy purple .
6 In a simple case , we might have the following key set : These thirty-four records need only 34 storage positions , but if they were stored in self-indexing form they would take up 359 storage positions , and there would be five gaps of 91 , 1 , 1 , 94 and 138 positions respectively .
7 The provision , which went into effect in 1986 , removed the right of British citizens to escape extradition if they were charged with political crimes .
8 They sparkled less fierily than they do in England ; tranquilly , as if they were immersed in limpid oil .
9 These bills of exchange almost invariably sank to a discount in terms of sterling , which meant that British merchants exporting to America lost money if they were compelled by colonial legislation to accept them as payment .
10 As a result , the coupe 's front and rear look rather as if they were designed by different committees .
11 Chairman having detected the arsons , I wonder if the Chief Officer knew whether a study had ever been done on the background of those people generally , nationally who er , caused that scene and whether any steps would be f if they were confined to certain people with certain backgrounds , or certain part of histories , whether anything could be brought to bear ?
12 This is recognised in the Law Commission Working Paper No 85 ( 1983 ) in relation to self-assembly furniture where it was said : The goods would , of course , have to be in a condition in which they could be assembled , and if they were sold without adequate instructions it is unlikely that they would meet the required standard of quality .
13 Her fingers felt as if they were encased in cool wax .
14 A preliminary exploration of the issues involved revealed a number of complex legal and practical difficulties which could threaten the effectiveness of future disciplinary procedures if they were held in public , according to Institute secretary and chief executive Andrew Colquhoun .
15 Hospital authorities ca n't say if they were hurt on active duty .
16 Many small companies could be sustained over difficult periods in their life-cycle if they were associated with caring educational institutions who could offer facilities , skills training , professional consultancy , sharing of staff on a flexible give and take basis , students seconded as real working additions to the work force , joint economic ventures such as trading , shared facilities such as crèches , and so on .
17 I said that we could have the most perfect mutual support and understanding , but that , if it were reached upon present policies , we would be like two people locked in loving embrace in a rowboat which was about to go over Niagara Falls .
18 They include substantive conclusions about what would be different in philosophy if it were influenced by feminine rather than by masculine assumptions .
19 Herschel reasoned that a relatively nearby star would show a parallax shift against the background of more remote stars if it were observed from opposite sides of the Earth 's orbit .
20 Day after day the German heavies pounded the corpses in this gully , until they were quartered , and re-quartered ; to one eye-witness it seemed as if it were filled with dismembered limbs that no one could or would bury .
21 On the other hand , if it is a galactic pulsar or if it were formed by accretion-induced collapse , it may be young and the large magnetic field would not be as surprising .
22 the design is based on squares , but if it were knitted without proportional adjustment , the whole thing would be incorrect and pulled out of shape .
23 Fifty pounds a week could benefit the whole school , if it were put to other uses . ’
24 Carl Sagan , the distinguished astrophysicist , suggested in 1961 that Venus could be made habitable to earthlings if it were seeded with blue-green algae , which would split up the carbon and oxygen molecules to glean the carbon necessary for the glucose and carbohydrate diets they would need .
25 I do not know what kind of verdict would be passed on the school if it were judged by modern educational standards .
26 In short , he is not frivolous enough for me : if he were soaked in boiling water …
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