Example sentences of "if [pron] were [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If I were to turn to a man on a bench
2 I have been living in the city for three years and if I were to go to the estates now they would n't give me work .
3 It 's a shameful fact , but here it is : if I were squashed under a bus tomorrow , my relations would have to hold a seance to find out how I wanted to settle my affairs .
4 When I returned to Moose Jaw about mid-August I had a long talk with Fred Workman , who told me he had noticed a certain restlessness in me as if I were hoping for a change of scene .
5 If I were looking for a record deal , I would be pursuing individual A&R people , getting them to come and see my band .
6 If I were looking for a fault with the conception of the series , it could only be that it lacks a single volume overview of the whole of the development of quantum theory , a volume concentrating on the broad sweep of ideas and leaving out the mathematical detail .
7 ‘ However , what upsets me is that I have heard unconfirmed rumours that some of the riders were threatening to pull out if I were put in the third row of the grid as was at first planned .
8 My heart was behaving as if I were going before a judge .
9 If I 'd a , if I were walking down the street going Nigger ! sorry !
10 I 'm about to invest in a brand new , superduper , anti-obsolescence computer and I feel as confident as if I were shopping for a pair of skis .
11 I dropped my right wing suddenly as if I were turning into the cloud and immediately swung over into a steep left hand turn .
12 I wonder if the Secretary of the Cabinet would go into the box if I were found outside the Ministry of Agriculture .
13 I could never replace you … never find your equal if I were to look until the very day I die . ’
14 There was no sandy beach , and as this part of the bay was an inlet , I felt as if I were standing beside a great lake , not the Atlantic Ocean .
15 But I read in an article this morning ( 'Students set to pay full fees ' , 29 September ) that if I were applying in a few years ' time , I would have to ask my parents to pay the full cost of my tuition .
16 Folly felt as if she were struggling against a tide .
17 She was anxious not to make a noise , but even though her feet fell softly into the leaves strewing the path the wood was so still and silent that she really felt as if she were thudding through the wood .
18 She looked as if she were drowning in a goldfish tank .
19 Claudia felt as if she were drowning in a pool of conflicting emotions ; the last thing she wanted was to go anywhere with Roman and yet the thought of being with him for a little while longer filled her with delight .
20 ‘ You looked wonderful , ’ she said , as if she were speaking to a ten-year-old after a school play .
21 Seated in the tube train , she felt as if she were thundering through the earth in a time-capsule , guided by a power greater than herself , without real roots or destination .
22 How difficult it was to try to keep her feet on the ground , when inside she felt as if she were poised on the brink of a wild and wonderful adventure .
23 And she felt , though comfortable in bed , as if she were standing with the rain sluicing all over her , streaming soothing over her breasts and down her thighs , warm and comforting and she hoped that he was not in difficulties on the road and that he was thinking about the rain .
24 I was staring at her as if she were turning into a witch in front of my eyes .
25 Wincing involuntarily , feeling as if she were groping in a dark quicksand , she said quickly , ‘ Business … ’
26 Pins and needles tingled in her fingers and toes , creeping along her limbs until she felt as if she were disconnected from the world .
27 She felt as if she were suspended over a chasm between a past that was dark and terrifying and a future that inexorably beckoned .
28 Lee was cold suddenly as if she were sitting in a seawind .
29 Actually , Ruby was considering how well publicized her intervention in the case would be if she were to work from the Post newsroom .
30 She realised that she was feeling almost excited , as if she were going on an adventurous journey into unknown country .
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