Example sentences of "if [pron] be [adj] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , if you are buying Mollies for a freshwater setup , make sure that the dealer is n't stocking them in brackish water .
2 ‘ Subject to the provisions of this Act , no action shall be brought to recover any costs due to a solicitor before the expiration of one month from the date on which a bill of those costs is delivered in accordance with the requirements mentioned in subsection ( 2 ) ; but if there is probable cause for believing that the party chargeable with the costs — ( a ) is about to quit England and Wales , to become bankrupt or to compound with his creditors , or ( b ) is about to do any other act which would tend to prevent or delay the solicitor obtaining payment , the High Court may , notwithstanding that one month has not expired from the delivery of the bill , order that the solicitor be at liberty to commence an action to recover his costs and may order that those costs be taxed .
3 The appointment of clinical supervisors and the introduction of structured education and training will be effective only if there are profound conceptual changes in the understanding of the purpose of the preregistration year , if there are contractual agreements to enable the educational supervisor to fulfil the role , and if there is financial provision for the training of trainers and regular formative assessment of the trainees .
4 The time limit for making claims is three months ( or twelve months if there is good reason for the delay ) .
5 In the High Court and county courts express provision is made allowing any party to apply to the court for different directions , a provision which should not be overlooked , particularly given the new provisions for early exchange of witness statements , if there is good reason for departing from the normal rule ( see RSC Ord 25 , r8(3) , CCR Ord 17 , r11(4) ) .
6 Auditors will be able to comply with the Cadbury recommendation that they report on directors ' statements with regard to companies ' internal controls but only if there is clear guidance for both sides on a number of scope , technical and reporting issues , an analysis by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales concluded .
7 More serious criminal cases are first enquired into by magistrates ' courts to see if there is sufficient evidence for the case to go further .
8 Defence and prosecution lawyers are giving details of the case before a bench of 3 magistrates who will have to decide if there is sufficient evidence for the accused to be committed for trial to Crown Court .
9 The accruals method has been recommended by the ABI as suitable for a trial period of experimentation to see if there is sufficient support for it , since to some extent ‘ true and fair ’ is a question of acceptance and convention as well as theoretical concept .
10 If there is sufficient interest for a return visit to either or both the nI will be pleased to arrange the day .
11 Inspection of ( 47 ) , repeated here for convenience as ( 65 ) ( 65 ) would lead us a priori to expect , first , that the language might provide a simple way to question the noun phrase and adjective taken as a unit , and second that , if there are simple interrogations for the noun phrase alone and for the adjective alone , these would take a form parallel to that for the subject and ( ordinary ) predicative adjective of a normal copular clause .
12 That his choice is contrary to what is to be expected of the vast majority of adults is only relevant if there are other reasons for doubting his capacity to decide .
13 But the law has never felt obliged to follow such rational simplicity if there are good reasons for doing otherwise .
14 If there are good arguments for using video regularly as a carrier of lectures — sometimes the case in a programme which is repeated in several centres — then there may be equally good arguments for planning and recording them as video programmes .
15 There should be closer links , but only if there are equal rights for all people in South Africa .
16 A haulier must register for VAT if there are reasonable grounds for believing that its contracts will bring in more than a certain sum per year .
17 The suspect may also be searched for anything he could use to effect his escape and for evidence relating to any offence if there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the items are in the suspect 's possession .
18 If there are obvious grounds for real suspicion , a senior detective will attend in the same way as in the case of any other suspicious death .
19 But they recognize that decentralization will only work if there is agreement on the fundamental competition rules to be applied ( with little or no discretion ) , and if there are clear rules for allocating cases across jurisdictions ( e.g. where a particular merger will have competition implications in several member states of the EC ) .
20 The fact that a power has no legal source does not render it unreviewable by the High Court if there are sound reasons for and no good reasons against such review .
21 It would only be right to have regard to facilities if there are objective grounds for believing that the lender will fulfil his commitment .
22 The board of the vendor company also has a duty to deal fairly between all shareholders of the same class , although it does not need to treat them exactly the same if there are particular reasons for different treatment , as in the case of regulatory or exchange control requirements applying to overseas shareholders .
23 In general L and P are not equal and it is therefore reasonable to ask if there are theoretical reasons for favouring one over the other .
24 If there 's insufficient space for the army of fans , many of them might end up on the beaches , which the Italian police have expressly forbidden .
25 They thought they could do this first third this year , during the summer , over the summer months , if there was general agreement for the scheme .
26 Empirical evidence against my point might arise if there was significant support for the claims now made by some surgeons that a patient after such an accident can both will , and have conscious access to , the process of nerve regrowth ( as an alternative to the sort of superficial retraining of behaviour described above ) .
27 Volunteers can help clients more effectively if they are allocated time for tasks other than direct interviewing .
28 They sat down at the table , and took out of their pockets packets of cigarettes , lighters and calculators , placing these objects carefully in front of them as if they were necessary equipment for some game they were about to play .
29 But if they were strange times for us , I can hardly imagine what they were like for my mother .
30 Mission work to civilise the slaves and the extension of responsibilities to the labourers for their own work were only thought likely to be successful if they were cumulative experiences for the slaves .
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