Example sentences of "if [pron] [is] [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 If it turns out that this is not the case , if it is discovered that the prohibition denies the would-be rapists more of a chance to pursue the good life than it gives their possible victims , then one may have to adjust other features of the political framework to make sure that this does not result in inequality of ability to pursue one 's conception of the good .
2 Indeed , perceptual constancies are only a puzzle if it is assumed that the visual system acts like a camera .
3 Nor does the arts/science distinction make much sense in terms of graduate employment , if it is assumed that the distinction is based on a simple non-vocational/vocational one or ‘ non-relevant/relevant ’ one .
4 But the Belfast and Edinburgh situations are abnormal and irregular only if it is assumed that the patterns revealed in the New York City study are the normal and regular ones , and that Labov 's findings on the structure of that speech community are universally applicable .
5 If it is assumed that the system of corporate enterprise is the most efficient system for the creation of wealth , should it therefore be concluded that corporate power is legitimate ?
6 If it is assumed that the age structure of the inward flow and the outward flow is similar and that those who leave continue to reproduce at the same rate as those of a similar age who stay then an estimate of the number of births to women who leave can be made ( table ) .
7 If it is assumed that the expected volume of output is roughly equal to that experienced in the previous year , , then the higher is , the greater will gross investment tend to be .
8 If it is assumed that the Earth 's magnetic field was of this form in the past , then it is possible to estimate the position of the magnetic pole for rocks of known ages ( dated by radiometric methods ) by measuring their palaeomagnetism .
9 If it is assumed that the alternative to investing in equity is to invest in bonds , then , in the long run , it would be expected that the returns to these two investments would be equal after allowing for risk differentials .
10 The past six months have made it clear that latent isolationism can be inflamed if it is felt that the allies are shirking .
11 Families may be split and huge rifts created if it is felt that the wrong choice has been made .
12 Chloral is a sedative and not an analgesic , so if it is felt that the above signs are due to pain , the doctor must prescribe analgesia in addition to , or instead of , chloral .
13 If it is felt that the right climate for settlement can be achieved by displ
14 However , if it is felt that the estimate is excessive , an alternative estimate should be obtained .
15 Timing is critical , especially if it is intended that the press release is to be issued before an exhibition is opened , yet the photo is to show the exhibition being opened by the Chairman .
16 A clause along the following lines could be inserted in the trust deed if it is intended that the same be effective for income tax purposes : No part of the capital , capitalised income , or income shall in any circumstances whatsoever be paid or lent to or applied for the benefit of the settlor or any spouse of the settlor for the time being .
17 Thus , if it is believed that the government is in fact the state , it may also be believed that the assumption of governmental power is equivalent to the acquisition of state power .
18 This thought can be entertained only if it is accepted that the universe is eternal and timeless , and the theory of a once only chance association of circumstances causing life , be abandoned .
19 Second , if it is accepted that the organisations in question were operating in highly competitive markets , then their ability to win orders did necessitate an ability to adjust their manpower levels upwards and downwards and to hold labour costs to a minimum .
20 If it is accepted that the office has become the most common working environment for the majority of the population then it seems increasingly important that those involved in the design , construction and maintenance of them have an understanding of modern management techniques and their implications for employee efficiency .
21 This may be convenient for overnight/weekend operation if it is accepted that the duration time is not critical .
22 Baynton v. Morgan shows , amongst other things , that this last contention may not always be relied on by the lessee ; and accordingly the position of the defendant is not put otherwise than favourably to himself if it is said that the measure of his liability here , that of a lessee after an assignment , is the performance or non-performance of the covenants in question by his assignees when he can not and does not aver any performance by himself .
23 If it is conceded that the really explosive issue concerns the homosexual , and that the situation of the transsexual is a rare phenomenon , then difficulties which arise within that spectrum of rarity should not be allowed to defeat the whole force of the thesis .
24 But onomatopoeia is on stronger ground if it is appreciated that the effect is generally a result of phonological features acting in combination with one another , and in combination with meaning .
25 If the order is to be disrupted it is because one of the younger sons shows remarkable promise but being a ‘ family ’ anxious to demonstrate tolerance , envy and jealousy are masked and can certainly be dissipated if it is suggested that the elder brothers had a hand in the development .
26 The letter was at pains to stress the parents ' involvement and their rights : ‘ If it is agreed that the Authority should determine the special educational provision for your child … your further rights under the Education Act 1981 will be explained to you . ’
27 If it is alleged that the tribunal has reached a wrong decision then there can be a question of law but only of a limited character .
28 By s14 , the date of knowledge is the date on which that person first had knowledge that his injury was significant ; that his injury was attributable to the act or omission which is alleged to constitute negligence , nuisance or breach of duty ; the identity of the defendant ; and , if it is alleged that the act or omission was that of a person other than the defendant , the identity of that person and the additional facts supporting the bringing of an action against the defendant .
29 An order under section 2 may also not be made if it is shown that the request infringes the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom or is otherwise prejudicial to the United Kingdom ; on these matters a certificate of the Secretary of State is conclusive .
30 Photographic and/or medical evidence could be considered if it is thought that the injuries would be difficult to prove .
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