Example sentences of "if [pron] [modal v] [vb infin] [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Devastated I may be , but I 'm damned if I 'll give her the satisfaction of hearing me beg for mercy .
2 if I may give you a word of advice , you may think it 's rude , but when Mr is asking questions try not to turn down towards him , if you try and face across the jury , that 's what carries the voice if you 're looking at them , if you turn to your left , a bit of your head goes down a bit , it 's only natural , you 're not as used to courts as Mr is , er , he , he , your , it , your voice smothers , it 's not a question of shouting it 's just looking in the right direction , yes Mr go on
3 I remember getting off the plane and being asked by the press photographers if I would give them a salute .
4 Yes , he replied , if I would send him the postage .
5 The low style is surely recalled by the colloquial " " Hé " " given to God and St Peter as noted above , and the high by the description of the young wife in Les Trois Boçus : ( a beautiful girl So beautiful that she was a delight And if I should tell you the truth I do not think that Nature ever made Any more beautiful creature . )
6 It 's worthwhile it 's not just erm like , I do n't know if I can give you an example erm
7 Now what I 'm going to hand out to you in various packages er , on the diary , is you 're getting a two page per day diary , erm , and I will go through all of these things in detail , it just helps if I can give you an overview .
8 If I can give you an example .
9 If I can give you an example of what I 'm talking about , part of the information we receive of course is erm surface , weather reports taken by weather observers at all sorts of places across the face of the earth .
10 ‘ I 'll see if I can find you a treat . ’
11 Then I 'll see if I can find you a job and some decent lodgings .
12 See if I can find you a picture of a of a , I 've got a picture of a Roman legionnaire here but not the standard bearer .
13 We 're going to a party on Saturday night it 's my friends birthday party , see if I can get you an invite
14 Right , let me see if I can get it the same .
15 ‘ Still alive , and wanting to marry me again — as if I 'd give him the chance ! ’
16 You would like , I daresay , if I could give you a clear and definite policy .
17 How do you think the retrospective scheme compensation scheme would actually work and if I could give you an example erm should it apply to all schemes which have been affected in the past er perhaps after a certain date or if you were going to make that decision , where would the cut-off date be , how far back would you go and what schemes would you look at Er if it 's gon na be retrospective ?
18 What if I could offer her a proper home , a proper family , with two parents ?
19 I wonder if I could offer you a cup of coffee in my department within the next couple of minutes ? ’
20 I wonder if I could show you a mole ?
21 If I could show you a way of keeping your premiums at an affordable level but still obtaining the li , the level of life cover that you need to be of to your wife and your family , would , would that be of interest to you ?
22 For example , it would make me very happy if I could see you every night across my dinner table ; if when I woke in the morning , I would hear you wish me ‘ Bonjour , chéri ! ’ in that so charming accent of yours .
23 It has become apparent on some of the issues , some of the comments that we made that was if I could call it the you 'll know what we 're talking about and I do n't if we are talking about the there was there was a point somewhere where talked about ing an increase or short of journey time along the ring road and this has been taken as I understand to be that we are setting out an increase of speed er traffic on the sections of road to a junction and that 's totally in force and it was either .
24 Perhaps if I could remember them the whole mystery would be solved .
25 In view of the circumstances of his team 's downfall , perhaps the most ironic touch about the final was that Chapman had said in the Sunday Express a week before the game : ‘ I know nothing of the art of clairvoyance , but I should feel happier if someone would foretell me the vital incident which is almost sure to decide the match .
26 If somebody will give me a small coin … ‘
27 It would be lovely he said if somebody could give him a ring .
28 ‘ And I think that someone would like to dance it with me , ’ she said , as Herman , lured by the smile , came across and with a ludicrous bow , asked Erika if she would do him the honour of the dance , Erika graciously accepting , to her delight leaving Fritz looking disconsolate and unhappy .
29 One day Hugh came into the bathroom while Myra was washing and offered to give her a present if she would give him a hug and a kiss .
30 ‘ Emma saw her in Bamford and asked her if she could send her the book to sign and Harriet said yes , of course .
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