Example sentences of "if [pron] [verb] been [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I never had enough time to spare for my wife , let alone other women — even if I 'd been so inclined , which I was not . ’
2 She only swallows as a special treat if I 've been really good or something .
3 It might have been more depressing if I had been otherwise ready to leave .
4 She simply tells me something , as if I had been there all the time .
5 Even if I had been sufficiently knowledgeable about the NHS funding system to counter his arguments , I still would n't have felt up to political sparring .
6 If I have been primarily expository hitherto ( and I have been because I believe Callinicos ' book to be the best on this subject that we have ) I will now begin to turn to criticism ; or at least to trying to ventilate that reservation which , faced by Callinicos , certainty , will not be stilled .
7 Her face looked anguished as if she had been secretly angry and victimized for a very long time and it was just beginning to seep out .
8 Fear swept over her so completely now , that to think straight , to answer , even if she had been completely sober , would have been an impossibility .
9 But after that seemingly unpropitious start , Topaz settled into the routine at Yelton as if she had been there all her life .
10 She wondered if she had been as particular when she 'd lived here .
11 If she had been really melancholic , I would never have left her alone . ’
12 Not without difficulty she glanced at her watch , and would have sighed with relief if she had been less squashed .
13 If you had been dead drunk , you could n't have slept deeper .
14 If you 've been pretty dominant in a company I do n't think you know when that time has actually arrived .
15 So that if you 've been really rough , and you 're ninety nine , you can look at the figures and you 've still got nearly four years left .
16 You 've been very gentle with me , which makes it even worse ; perhaps if you 'd been more brutal I could have managed to stop … but then you would never be brutal .
17 Yeah , under the Conservatives that , if you 'd been under Labour you would of lost about four hundred did n't think of that though did you , did n't think your own son
18 If you have been very much home-based , you may need some encouragement from your partner in getting involved in community activities or a hobby ; and it may be necessary , in order to avoid being over dependent on another person .
19 If you have been very lucky and efficient you may have reduced the area stock to a very low level .
20 If you have been really enthusiastic about something and then gone home and thought about it , one of two things usually happens .
21 Oh if you have been really ill
22 After ten rounds of the game , I could theoretically have won as much as $5,000 , but only if you have been extraordinarily silly ( or saintly ) and played COOPERATE every time , in spite of the fact that I was consistently defecting .
23 We would n't have found it difficult to reconstruct the exchange even if we had been too far away to hear what was said .
24 If we 'd been only 3-2 behind we 'd be favourites tonight .
25 If we 'd been only 3-2 behind we 'd be favourites tonight .
26 If we have been indirectly responsible for a death , there is only one way we can make amends . ’
27 If there had been very few cases , the crime would not have had much importance .
28 If there had been only two men holding Alison in the room , this meant that they 'd left her unguarded and she 'd be able to slip away .
29 One of the most infuriating habits of the scientifically illiterate is to talk of the ‘ ice age ’ as if there had been only one .
30 The blooms usually occur at the end of the summer if there have been long hot spells and settled weather .
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