Example sentences of "if [pron] [verb] give [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Patterson 's eyes flickered as if I 'd given him a straw to grasp , but I pressed on .
2 Erm now if I 'd given you the same thing and you 'd
3 ‘ So the thing that I would say , if I had to give myself a brownie point , would be that I enabled her to see that she could work actively with the situation .
4 Hugo Brassard looked as if someone had given him a present .
5 Then , if she 'd given him a good time and he was a collaborator , he might not report her .
6 If she 's given him a blow job , I mean
7 Lewis felt ‘ as if you had given me a bottle of champagne …
8 You 've still got the problem of addressing praise , because quite often you 've only , if you 've given somebody a specific task then it 's easy to praise or not to praise in that situation , but if they 've just come in , done their job and gone home , you know , just sat on a checkout for four hours , right it 's my time to leave , then , if they 've done nothing out of the blue , extraordinary , so they do n't do anything wrong , or , you know .
9 ‘ I feel as if you 've given me a gift I 'm completely unworthy of .
10 It may not be the bit that you 're going to eventually use for your assignment , because you 're a bit unsure taped up your assignment , but bring a short transcription , at least one side of A four , because if you do that , you will , if you 've given yourself a chance of actually trying it out , you will begin to see the problems and and the whole thing will be much more interesting and more rewardable .
11 I would have thought if she would have sat in the chair , I mean well she could n't go the week aha I do n't young enough yeah , about a month ago she just peed of somewhere and some , I do n't know , she 's alright , I said yes she 'll be alright , I said I 'm going to start cooking so she said I got to take these Heather , I said well they 'll travel better in there , your father said you know Jane he said if you 'd given her a hand
12 Roger I 'd 've given it you a lot quicker if you 'd given me a list of jobs to work on .
13 ‘ And , if you 'd given me the chance to finish , you would also have heard me specify ‘ for the general collection ’ .
14 It would n't have surprised me if you 'd given me the boot there and then .
15 If you want to give me a ‘ producer ’ , ’ I went on , ‘ then give me one .
16 People are joining us all the time , so I 'm very briefly er just in a word or two , going to go over the subjects , and then if you want to give me a ring , please do so .
17 If you want to give us a donation that 's entirely welcome .
18 But next to the Dance Hall if we 'd given them the licence to ha turn the cinema into a Dance Hall , there was this little old boy who lived just the other side of the road , in an old cottage , and he was over eighty .
19 if we 've given ourselves a budget of four thousand pounds and we 've ear
20 This undramatic release of large volumes of lava , would , if one had to give it a name , probably best be described as a Hawaiian-type eruption .
21 And if they did give you the sack you would be walked away to the army I expect .
22 If , if , if it 's given you a slightly different slant on it , and you 're thinking has changed .
23 But even if he had given me a direct answer , I do n't know that I would have believed him .
24 If he had given me the £5000 , under the rules at the time I would have had to donate 15 per cent to the British Board — totally unfair in my view as I had had to find the sponsorship myself .
25 I 'd like that , ’ she said , feeling as if he had given her a priceless gift .
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