Example sentences of "if [pron] [verb] [prep] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And in return , I promise you that if I get from you the reply for which I hope , I will be about your business presently .
2 If I said to you every time you pick up the phone it 's closer to ten pounds , would it get you very excited .
3 If I said to you the communication right these are the methods that this is what actually communication is .
4 She nearly always does go to bed with me , if I shout at her a lot or threaten her or give her enough money .
5 If I find in myself a desire for which no experience in this world can satisfy , the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world .
6 Her tone teasing , she added , ‘ If you went about it the right way I 'm positive you could have her eating out of your hand in no time at all .
7 ‘ She also said if you went about it the right way you could have me eating out of your hand . ’
8 If you listen to what the Tories are actually saying , it 's the same old I 'm alright Jack mentality .
9 Night fishing can be enjoyable in its own right , even without the added attraction of fishing at the most likely times for fish to feed , but only if you go about it the right way .
10 But squatting itself is not illegal if you go about it the right way .
11 Anna 's answer was , If you go to him the instant you are free , what will the world say ?
12 they go on about Shakespeare and Chauce Chaucer but if you spoke to them the way Chaucer used to speak they would n't understand a word you were saying .
13 If you think of it the other way when , what happens when a price , when a price falls , alright , if farmers er , assume that price fall will be sustained over a number of periods , then they think , right well in order to achieve the same level of income , right , as I did previously , if prices have fallen , I 'm going to have to increase my output .
14 So if you think about it a therapeutic group could certainly use suggestive therapy like hypnosis and my guess is that most successful groups like Alcoholics Anonymous or groups of people who wan na stop smoking or do slimming and things like that succeed for that reason , cos every member of the group reinforces every other member with a kind of group super ego and says look , you must n't smoke , you must n't drink , you must n't put on weight and it , it reinforces every individual 's erm super ego by means of identification with the shared value of the group and similarly reduces feelings of shame and guilt if the individual fails the group , cos next week when they come back they say oh dear , I 've put on five pounds , erm that they 're gon na feel bad about it because it offends against the ideal of the of the group if it 's Weight Watchers or something .
15 So if the female does n't want it and this one clearly does n't , she just sits down and if she sits on her pseudo-penis , there 's no way the male is ever gon na get into her , but in fact this is true er in , in general terms of er if you think about it a , a female quadrupedal mammal I mean it looks like male domination , the male mounts and it looks as if she has to submit but she does n't .
16 They also like things which are quite so if the activity involving chairing a meeting , doing a role play , doing a presentation although they may be nervous they actually enjoy that , they find they gain a lot from that and they also like activities where to an extent there 's a freedom from constraints , policy structures , they do n't like to feel bound because if you think about it a lot of are actually exploring deep end situations trying new things out , they do n't like to feel that constrained .
17 Of course , if you think about it the consequences of that is these guys die and when they die , those wives that they married as young girls are now middle-aged women or possibly younger , anyway past their youth , but th th they , they may not be .
18 But it 's not easy I mean you know I was reading an article ages ago a few months ago actually and saying you know if you think about it the sort of revolution was over a year ago and still the government has n't done anything about it and I mean like a lot of provisions that have been brought into Romania sort of go in the front door and out of the back door and you know they sort of sent those of supplies like contraceptions and things like that for the women and overlap
19 If you feel like something a little on the wild side , the glens of North Angus and Perthshire will interest you .
20 If you look at it every ten minutes you notice it 's
21 I said well that 's what is , I said if you look at it the depreciation is so heavy compared with the income , and I said and the insurance as well but I said hopefully cos we have n't had any of er any claims at all this year you know , I said I know but all of the insurances of gone up , but I said I 'm hoping that we can sort of get the insurance down if possible so he said , yeah fair enough then .
22 But the picture can be modified if we insert into it the concept of a primeval Natural Man , who lacks the corrupting appurtenances of modern civilization , and is , on that account , closer to Paradise than ourselves .
23 For what is Scotland , after all , if we understand by it the south and east of that country , the clearly predominant power in it , but the northern part of the English Kingdom of Northumbria , with its western extension in formerly Welsh-speaking Strathclyde and its capital in the noble city of Edwin 's Burgh ?
24 If one thinks about it the President makes an ideal stalking horse .
25 But the second is surely contradicted by the first ; especially if one adds to it the sympathetic view he evinces of the widow 's plight .
26 Now the carriage cleaning inspector had a good job if he went about it the proper way .
27 It looks better , does n't it , if he agrees with what the Bishop wants .
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