Example sentences of "if [pron] [verb] [be] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I never had enough time to spare for my wife , let alone other women — even if I 'd been so inclined , which I was not . ’
2 She only swallows as a special treat if I 've been really good or something .
3 It might have been more depressing if I had been otherwise ready to leave .
4 Even if I had been sufficiently knowledgeable about the NHS funding system to counter his arguments , I still would n't have felt up to political sparring .
5 If I have been primarily expository hitherto ( and I have been because I believe Callinicos ' book to be the best on this subject that we have ) I will now begin to turn to criticism ; or at least to trying to ventilate that reservation which , faced by Callinicos , certainty , will not be stilled .
6 Her face looked anguished as if she had been secretly angry and victimized for a very long time and it was just beginning to seep out .
7 Fear swept over her so completely now , that to think straight , to answer , even if she had been completely sober , would have been an impossibility .
8 She wondered if she had been as particular when she 'd lived here .
9 If she had been really melancholic , I would never have left her alone . ’
10 Not without difficulty she glanced at her watch , and would have sighed with relief if she had been less squashed .
11 IF YOU THORNPROOF is more barbarous than Barbour , then it 's time to reach for the Barbour Repair Kit .
12 If you had been dead drunk , you could n't have slept deeper .
13 If you 've been pretty dominant in a company I do n't think you know when that time has actually arrived .
14 So that if you 've been really rough , and you 're ninety nine , you can look at the figures and you 've still got nearly four years left .
15 You 've been very gentle with me , which makes it even worse ; perhaps if you 'd been more brutal I could have managed to stop … but then you would never be brutal .
16 Yeah , under the Conservatives that , if you 'd been under Labour you would of lost about four hundred did n't think of that though did you , did n't think your own son
17 If you have been very lucky and efficient you may have reduced the area stock to a very low level .
18 If you have been really enthusiastic about something and then gone home and thought about it , one of two things usually happens .
19 Oh if you have been really ill
20 After ten rounds of the game , I could theoretically have won as much as $5,000 , but only if you have been extraordinarily silly ( or saintly ) and played COOPERATE every time , in spite of the fact that I was consistently defecting .
21 We would n't have found it difficult to reconstruct the exchange even if we had been too far away to hear what was said .
22 If we have been indirectly responsible for a death , there is only one way we can make amends . ’
23 The blooms usually occur at the end of the summer if there have been long hot spells and settled weather .
24 Even if they 'd been half full it would have been our only escape route . ’
25 If they had been truly myopic ( on our definition ) they would have sold their entire stock on all 672 occasions .
26 They may feel responsible for adding to the dead person 's problems or may feel that if they had been more alert they would have noticed their friend 's or relative 's distress .
27 If the first were correct , surely a house full of children and servants would have heard poor William 's pleas and , even if they had been too frightened of his mother 's retribution to release him , surely they would have passed him food .
28 If they have been so informed , I would be very grateful if I could be told on what date they were told .
29 So are the other countries which support it , even if they have been less keen to play soldiers .
30 ‘ We probably would n't have signed if it had been just SGI , ’ Ousley says .
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