Example sentences of "if [pron] [verb] [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If I 've been wrong about you I 'm sorry .
2 If I had been involved in petty larceny I certainly would n't still be here arguing the point after your abuse ! ’
3 Alfonso was rumoured to have said , ‘ If I had been present at the Creation , I would have given some useful hints for the better arrangement of the Universe . ’
4 In hindsight , if I had been aware of the exact nature of the Foreign Legion , how it operated , and how its members lived , I would have been much more hesitant about joining .
5 But if she 'd been frank from the outset and had admitted to him that she 'd been sent by his stepmother with the plea for him to visit her the result would have been short and sharp .
6 But what if she 'd been wrong in that — what if there were other things he wanted to do ?
7 She felt heavy-lidded and drowsy , as if she had been asleep for a week .
8 In his dozing he wondered if she had been bored with him .
9 After putting a trial foot several times in the river , Harriet launched herself and swam as if she had been used to water all her life .
10 Joan Durbeyfield , watching , wondered for the first time if she had been right in encouraging Tess to go .
11 The rockdust prevented her from seeing if she had been successful in her kill .
12 She had n't moved or made a sound , just opened her eyes in the red-tinged darkness and seen him there without surprise as if she had been aware of his presence ever since he arrived .
13 If she had been wrong about him … ?
14 Examining her responses to this normal catalogue of everyday events , of life , she found that she wished she was dead , had been dead for some time , so that she was used to it : and then she thought that if she had been dead for long enough , she would probably be bored with that by now .
15 And what monumental arrogance — to think that an evening in his company would be enough to wean her away from Rob — that was if she had been interested in Rob in the first place !
16 ‘ It leaves a hell of a hangover , ’ said Mrs Ridley , and Lee felt relieved as if she had been ashamed of her suffering and had had it authenticated at last .
17 In any case , she was too scared to go back to sleep even if she had been able to .
18 It wo n't even look expensive if you 've been mean about it .
19 This may seem like a hard thing to do , but if you 've been involved with occult powers you really do need the help of an older Christian , so pluck up all your courage and …
20 These are extreme cases — yet , if you 've been involved in a disaster or have been a victim of crime ( Victim Support 's specialist area ) you may find yourself suffering from what has now been identified as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder .
21 You liked it , if you 've been active at all you 'd want to know what 's going on .
22 if you 've been short of hormone , you 'll get a big boost straight away and , and you 'll get the benefits .
23 If you 've been self-employed since five minutes after Lucifer 's fall , and can fork out the massive outlay required , you might just find a way to bribe yourself on to the single-ticket waiting list ; if you belong to a small , minor-league organisation , your company will probably club together with several others to rent a cheap and jerry-built booth in one of the minor outbuildings , and argue with its partners over a tiny allocation of entry passes , whose holders will be consigned to overpriced lodgings in distant and inconvenient suburbs .
24 If you have been successful in treating the interview as a two-way communication then much of what you hope to say will arise naturally as part of the interchange between you .
25 If you have been guilty of a fundamental breach of your obligations under the contract , you will , of course , have been lawfully dismissed and therefore entitled to no compensation .
26 If you are concerned that you might have been exposed to sources of infection , especially if you have been unwell for some time , you can discuss your concerns with your family doctor or antenatal clinic .
27 If you have been involved in any occult activities in the past then DO N'T PANIC , just read on .
28 If you have been sedentary for some time and are not used to physical exertion , then you should begin slowly , walking for no more than 20 minutes every other day , at a pace which stretches you but does not overtire you .
29 If you have been unemployed for a while seek retraining as a first step to a new , positive attitude .
30 ‘ IN APRIL 1992 , a researcher from the BBC 's dramatised documentary programme ‘ 999 ’ contacted our Community Education Department asking if we had been involved in any unusual incident where rescues had been carried out .
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