Example sentences of "if [pron] [verb] [pron] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 if I worship thee in desire for heaven ,
2 At the back of my mind I must have hoped that if I telephoned him in advance , Helmut would help in this way .
3 But now , if I do it in spring , it is n't such a big job .
4 Which meant if I did it in year three , which I 'd liked to , then you 'd obviously equal or went into drama .
5 If someone asked you in French you might have to think about what tasse du thé means before you visualised a cup of tea and said ‘ Oui , s'il vous plait ’ .
6 When she had gone Scarlet began to peel courgettes , worrying the while whether she was not doing so prematurely : if she left them thus denuded , exposed to the air , they would discolour , while if she immersed them in water , their vitamin C content would dissipate .
7 If she found herself in Hell , Carrie thought now , she 'd just say , ‘ Well , at least we 'll be warm . ’
8 I promise I 'll be waiting , if you tell me in advance ! ’
9 erm it 's concerning the photograph , and she just wondered if you had anything in mind for the photograph or if , if you wanted to leave it up to the press ?
10 she 's easy to get on with is Eileen , probably be shattered with talking after she 'd gone , but she 's easy I mean I , there 's lots I would n't want coming to stay , but Eileen is one I do n't , I would n't mind because , well oh I know Eileen 's ways and er , er , her , my interests are very much like hers we 've similar interest with family and everything , er it 's just if you 've nothing in common with them
11 ‘ If you come across Amy , I think it would be best if you put her in touch with me rather than trying anything on your own . ’
12 Yeah I think if you put them in polythene bags and staple
13 Drink , you ca n't see it if you put them in water , you just know the water 's gone but it might of evaporated .
14 In the chemistry I did you seem to me to be terribly empirical , you had an inorganic substance and you had to learn absolute by heart what it did if you put it in water and you heated it and you did this that and the other .
15 If you wrap them in newspaper you keep the green better .
16 But you do n't have that privilege , I 'm afraid , if you sign it in Gas Showrooms , Electricity Showrooms or a shop so be very careful
17 If an editing change or the execution of a command was a mistake , you can frequently ‘ undo ’ the error if you notice it in time ; ie ( generally ) before you do any more editing , or give any more commands .
18 Your tree will last longer if you mount it in water , or use a water spray on the needles .
19 It probably did n't matter much if you did it in front of your friends .
20 ‘ You said that as if you have something in mind . ’
21 It is much easier to talk about something or explain if you have it in front of you and even though the listener can not actually see it you will be able to paint a mental picture for him .
22 ‘ Call me if you need me in Theatre — but I 'd just as soon Tim Mayhew did it — I do n't trust myself near that bastard . ’
23 We live in filthy times , and if you find yourself in tune with the Zeitgeist you will know you are doing something wrong .
24 A single small male cone produces several million grains and if you tap one in spring , they fall out in such numbers that they form a golden cloud .
25 S thirty one , if we book it in advance we can get in S thirty one downstairs in the canteen , cos we 're only an hour and half , two hours meeting
26 And part of the mystery of our existence , is if they we If we give ourselves in faith to God , even in the small and inauspicious ways , the consequences of doing that might be enormous .
27 If we find everything in order , there 's no harm done .
28 If they throw me in prison , at least I know that with Famagusta and maybe a rodent or two from my cell , I can have a meal fit for a Borgia . ’
29 Now , in effect , if they ask something in return from the state , they are told politely to ‘ piss off ’ .
30 She was going to hit him , even if they threw her in jail again .
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