Example sentences of "all [pers pn] [verb] [verb] [to-vb] [is] " in BNC.

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1 And I thought to myself if all I 've got to do is put my signature on this piece of paper and without actually paying any money down , any cash down at all , I can a actually walk out of the shop carrying the video recorder .
2 So , all I 've got to do is disembowel them .
3 ‘ Now all I 've got to do is get it in shape and make sure I pass the qualifying trials this weekend . ’
4 So all I 've got to do is when I run out again fill it up again spending another twenty five quid 's worth or so that would have been six and I could have had a free Corgi toy for Ricky for Christmas .
5 Then that 's all I 've got to do is my records then .
6 and then put them in , it 's so much to ease my mind in the morning , is all I 've got to do is take them out and they 're pretty , they 're fresh , they 'll defrost by lunchtime and
7 er , all I 've got to do is to get ev every single part ev every single partner
8 Now all I 've got to find is the cream !
9 All I 've got to know is , cos I shall write it all down
10 Now tomorrow , all I 've got to get is meat .
11 All you 've got to do is use your brains , be one step ahead of the opposition .
12 All you 've got to do is sign here ! ’
13 All you 've got to do is answer one incredibly simple Nirvana-related question :
14 ‘ Now all you 've got to do is produce the paper . ’
15 All you 've got to do is concentrate on getting out quick and running your own thing , not looking at the next guy .
16 Then all you 've got to do is add the rhythm .
17 you 're you 're not concentrating so you need to concentrate a bit on making sure that you finish off like you know somebody 's somebody 's passed to you 're right in front of the goal all you 've got to do is tap it in and you think , Oh anyone could do this which foot should I no problem
18 All you 've got to do is chat to him about Tuscany and then twist the conversation around so you can slide in a few of my questions . ’
19 Now all you 've got to do is get rid of your Wednesday afternoon creep and start planning your own life . ’ ’
20 All you 've got to do is make sure there 's no trap beyond it . )
21 So all you 've got to do is wait for the Agreement to get signed .
22 You 've got ta do thirty-six on one floor , thirty-six on another floor , and the next thing that you got is all the information together where all you 've got to do is put that , lots of those together and it 's er , it 's er a shuffling around procedure , is n't it ?
23 Erm could we give out the , the handout cos I think I 'd like them to refer to this on the All you 've got to do is write these things down , cos you 've , cos you 've got most of this on the way through .
24 so er erm and do n't forget in the first year all you 've got to do is pass
25 Then all you 've got to do is take the
26 I said all you 've got to do is put in the microwave two minutes that 'll do it I thought oh my goodness .
27 And erm they 've done their teeth and they 've had a wash and they 've done everything really so all you 've got to do is get them in there .
28 All you 've got to do is get rid of the air .
29 All you 've got to do is put a little on and cut the quarter er cornice around the top .
30 and then the phone number then all you 've got to do is press send and it 'll ring it .
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