Example sentences of "all [adj] [be] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But if anyone else believes that all that 's consumed in the Sedgefield council chairman 's room is tea and biscuits they must be stoned out of their tiny little brains .
2 All that 's changed over the years are the hands that make them .
3 BARLEY AND VEGETABLE SOUP The bonus of this homely soup is the brevity of its cooking time : 40 minutes or so is all that 's needed for a cheering bowl of soup from all-fresh ingredients .
4 A clean pipe , a little lubricant , and a good push are all that 's needed for an immediate watertight joint .
5 All that 's left of the Glynn acres . ’
6 This is all that 's left of the bedroom in which four month old twins Bethany and charlotte were sleeping .
7 There was a Benedictine abbey here in the middle ages — the arches are assumed by many visitors and local people to be all that 's left of the abbey .
8 Beneath the skyline of modern Berlin , half hidden in a grassy wasteland , all that 's left of the bunker where Adolf Hitler committed suicide .
9 I challenge Dr McNab to justify his so-called remedies which fly in the face of all that 's known about the pathology of this disease . "
10 Then all that is made into a play , performed by actors , which I think establishes a sufficient distance . ’
11 When a bar code is read , all that is fed into the computer system is the same number .
12 Process comprises all that is done to the patient with these resources , both clinically ( diagnostic and therapeutic procedures ) and nonclinically ( nursing care , " hotel " services , etc ) .
13 These are all that is needed for the sacrament of Chiropody .
14 Even something from the day 's newspaper can be all that is needed as an effective starting-point , just as the latest or the most interesting work done in other subject areas of the curriculum may be used .
15 Indeed these two characteristics are all that is needed in the case of the adjective ; the relative clause is in a sense a stalking horse , convenient in that it is more tangible than the relation around which it is built , but unnecessary , and awkward in that it brings with it , in English , the requirement that it must express a tense ; for while it is often possible to read a tense into an adjective there is no reason whatever to suppose that there is always some particular tense present to the mind of the speaker but suppressed , as can be seen from instances like ( 35 ) , where more than one tense could plausibly be grafted onto the sense expressed by the phrase underlined , or , just as well , some adverbial notion like " because " or " if " without any specific tense being implied : ( 35 ) motorists guilty will have to pay heavy fines Likewise , the buildings adjacent of example ( 17 ) simply take their tense from that of the clause as a whole ; if , for instance , we were to switch the tense of the verb in that example in order to shift the whole situation to past time : ( 36 ) the buildings adjacent were closed for three days it would be quite unnecessary to presume that an independent mental re-assignment of tense , from present to past , internal to the phrase buildings adjacent , has to take place as well .
16 If all that is needed from the computer system is a means of generating high quality text output then settle for a word processing package that can talk to a page printer .
17 Just as its perspective gathers all that is extended to render it to the individual eye , so its means of representation render all that is depicted into the hands of the individual owner-spectator .
18 A brief period of training using the manual provided with the program is all that is required for a manager to start developing his own models .
19 A tidy , polite letter of application expressing your interest , date and level of qualifications , and details of your most recent employment is all that is required in the first instance , together with evidence of your registration status .
20 For a verb such as ’ collide ’ , all that is specified by the case restrictions is that the object case can be any inanimate entity .
21 The remains are all that is left of a monastery which was founded early in the 11th century .
22 In these lines ‘ the primal sympathy ’ seems to represent all that is left of the relation between Man and Nature ; ‘ the philosophic mind ’ , on the other hand , is a direct reference to Roman Stoicism .
23 And every residential social worker knows that I am not exaggerating when I say that after a death has occurred — often alone or with one of us holding the dying resident 's hand — the family will descend like vultures , demanding a complete inventory of all their belongings , ransacking their personal clothes for valuables , and insisting on receiving all that is left of the petty cash .
24 DEVASTATION : Smouldering ruins are all that is left of the spot where the doomed Israeli jumbo jet sliced through a block of flats in Amsterdam .
25 Gradually the expelled layers move off and fade away , while all that is left of the star is the small , dense core , which is at a high temperature and is amazingly ‘ heavy ’ .
26 Apart from the finds , these represent all that is left of the excavated site , and so are extremely important ; they also represent the investment in the excavation from a financial point of view , which may have cost a considerable amount of money , and it is therefore usual to duplicate them , storing one copy far away from the original records in case of accidents .
27 All that is left of the Sakkratians ’ science , ’ he said .
28 The street is in three parts : Market Street , because there was once a market ; Church Street , because of the Church of King Charles the Martyr , built at the Restoration ; and Arwenack Street , because it leads eventually to Arwenack House , all that is left of the home of the Killigrews , a mixed bag of soldiers , dramatists , pirates and entrepreneurs , who founded the town and built the church .
29 All that is concealed beneath a cloak of commercial confidentiality .
30 All that is contained within the project quality plan enables the project plan to be completed correctly and accurately .
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