Example sentences of "can put [pron] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , there are two groups of women whose marital status can put them at risk of poverty in old age because of their inability to qualify for dependants ' benefits .
2 The cost of a funeral or cremation is considerable and many people have the feeling that the dead person should have the very best , but this decision can put them in debt for some time to come .
3 THE PEACEMAKER : He sees gifts as an excellent way of atoning for sins , but can put himself at risk by overstating himself — giving an exquisite set of English porcelain when a book token would do .
4 Can put you in touch with local services .
5 The Women 's Therapy Centre ( offers individual or group therapy , unfortunately based only in London and quite expensive , but can put you in touch with a therapist in your area , and offer discounts to unemployed or low-waged ) : 6 Manor Gardens , London N7 6LA .
6 If you are new to the London area , the London Secretary can put you in touch with other Salford graduates and the London Branch organises a full programme of events including an annual social for new members in September or October , a Christmas reunion , an annual dinner and visits to theatres , art galleries and other places of interest .
7 They can co-ordinate only within the south-east of England , but if you would like to set up a local group , Chris Milton has prepared information sheets and can put you in touch with other interested people in your area .
8 We have a range of other services , information and advice , and can put you in touch with other organisations including housing , leisure and education .
9 Drug use can put us at risk of getting or passing on HIV through unsafe sex and through sharing works
10 I can put lots of things in my bags and you can go whenever you want … it 's the most easy thing to do
11 She says I always go with my bike shopping — I could n't imagine to go by car … there are no problems parking … and can put lots of things in my bags .
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