Example sentences of "can not be [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've told her he 's travelling between America and Mexico and ca n't be reached for a few days .
2 Er , which means I ca n't be fired without a great deal of hassle , er , but , I er , er , the kind of the down-side is I have to go to the office occasionally .
3 There 's nothing , it seems , that ca n't be turned into a salad as long as it is properly dressed .
4 Many of the staff were ‘ rather pugnacious characters — it 's a pity this dynamicism ca n't be channelled into a less reactionary form ’ .
5 Are you saying that thing ca n't be stopped with a bullet … ? ’
6 ‘ I ca n't be seen with a megaphone . ’
7 I do n't see why Invermoriston or Loch Laggan ca n't be seen as a fixed address .
8 A secret ca n't be kept in a time warp .
9 But the world ca n't be measured with a ruler .
10 You 're seventeen years of age , ca n't be fighting with a twelve year old .
11 It is a disappointment to him to see the way canoeing is marketed and perceived , particularly the view that people ca n't be coached after a certain level .
12 Once write-protected , a disk ca n't be infected by a virus .
13 Do I start tomorrow looking for a new paper , because the Echo ca n't be doing with a man who lacks the bloody human touch ?
14 Minor interests are interests in land that ca n't be entered on a registered title , but which are not overriding interests such as have just been described , for they can be overridden by the registered proprietor in any disposition for value .
15 You ca n't be hurt over a telephone .
16 Women and Beauty in April nineteen forty three wrote - there is a special kind of beauty preparation that ca n't be bought in a single shop in the world because you must make it yourself from spirit , heart and simple courage and you make it fresh each day .
17 It does n't dance for man 's pleasure ; it does n't eat berries ; it ca n't be trapped by a weakness for honey .
18 I 've reached a stage where I ca n't be bothered with a lot of these guys , but if I rule out the ones who take drugs from my circle of friends I will be left with literally no one to socialise with .
19 The traditional wok ca n't be used on a ceramic hob because there 's not enough contact between the rounded base and hob to produce the high temperatures needed to stir-fry .
20 The successes of molecular biology are sufficiently striking to show that whatever the true relation of biology may be to physics , it is certainly a subtle one that can not be encapsulated in a single word .
21 Do so can not be replaced by a ‘ copy ’ of part of the first clause .
22 An identity and a history can not be obliterated with a switch of a name or the stroke of a pen .
23 It is a visible sign of Nizan 's recognition that abstract literary theories can at most act as general guidelines for the creative writer , and that the cultural specificity of the French national context can not be obliterated beneath a hegemonic Soviet model .
24 The defendants accept that , in relation to any costs which are ordered by the court to be taxed , the taxation can not be conducted on a basis more favourable to themselves than the indemnity basis .
25 " X exists " evidently can not be treated on a par with " x is green " , or " is fat " , or " runs " , for all their surface similarity .
26 The balance of payments in the period immediately after the Second World War can not be treated as a simple economic constraint , imposing inescapable policy responses .
27 And the confrontation with Germany and Austria-Hungary , which triggered the upheaval , can not be treated as a purely extraneous catastrophe unrelated to Russia 's social , economic and political development .
28 While the case may appear to support the Woolwich principle it can not be treated as a decision of any weight .
29 Until I hear from Bessie , or see for myself , that you are really trying to behave better , you can not be treated as a good , happy child , like my children . ’
30 They were told that the underlying constipation can not be treated in a short period of time .
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