Example sentences of "can not [be] [verb] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 One can think of a number of cases which are coming before the courts where there 's been a lot of publicity and I 'm sure that the legal teams involved in those cases will be studying this judgement er and will be considering whether or not those principles ca n't be applied to their cases .
2 The number of sets can be altered , along with whether points can or ca n't be won on your opponents ' serve .
3 Now remember they 're not they ca n't be counted as your boss
4 To you I 'm just someone who ca n't be left in your house alone . ’
5 One could argue that this inverted logic is acceptable because art ca n't be divorced from its conditions of production and consumption .
6 But I 've become scruffier and scruffier , and although I do keep myself immaculately clean , I ca n't be bothered about my clothes any more .
7 It works with the EC1 pattern controller and ca n't be used on its own .
8 During the first year , if you encounter a problem with your CompuAdd 200 , 300 , or 400 Series desktop or deskside system which ca n't be resolved by our Telephone Technical Support Staff , we provide On-Site Service in most parts of the country within the next business day .
9 The phone charges ca n't be drawn on your expenses .
10 I have discharged my duty , she thought , I can not be troubled by my conscience in that respect .
11 The law , however , has never allowed a corporation to sue in respect of injury to its feelings on the basis that the injury might be suffered by its agents : as Lord Reid said in Lewis v. Daily Telegraph Ltd. [ 1964 ] A.C. 234 , 262 : ‘ A company can not be injured in its feelings , ’ and he added , ‘ it can only be injured in its pocket ’ but pecuniary damage to a corporation 's reputation was not in issue in that case .
12 It being of no use for the master to say that the merchandise belongs to the owner of the ship because he can not be believed upon his word ; and he is not believed on his word when he declares that the ship belongs to the bourgeois and that there is no point to the charter party for the above stated reasons .
13 I agree that the Crown Prosecution Service can not be bound against their wishes .
14 Without internal means of communication the group can not be united in its performance , and without the common objective the group lacks the rationality and purposive control that would unite the actions of the elite in its efforts to establish , maintain and strengthen its own power .
15 They can not be manufactured by our bodies .
16 In a recent paper , Stroud argues that Quine can be forced to acknowledge questions which can not be answered by his naturalized epistemology ( Stroud 1981 ) .
17 Fumaroli makes the standard conservative argument that an art that can not be sustained by its audience does not deserve to survive .
18 The problem is an epistemological one ; the different forms of consciousness can not be evaluated for their ‘ truth ’ value on the grounds of the topic of consciousness or its location in the mode of production .
19 The qualification concerns the fact that holism can not be studied on its own .
20 The effectiveness of teaching can not be equated with its rational accountability .
21 It has already been stressed that social policy can not be analysed on its own , without reference to other activities of the state .
22 The flowers of these can not be fertilised with their own pollen and are known as self-incompatible or self-sterile , whereas self-fertile ( self-compatible ) varieties set fruit without needing pollen from another tree .
23 The phase current can not be maintained at its rated value and therefore the torque produced by the motor is reduced .
24 In particular , by stressing that law must itself contain an element of substantive justice , and that its validity can not be purely formal , such theories clearly show that law can not be isolated from its context .
25 If the husband is prepared to remain liable under the mortgage he should remain a trustee of the legal estate ( which could stand in the names of the husband , the wife and new husband ) so that he will know the state of the mortgage account and so that a further advance or a second charge can not be created without his consent .
26 The Buddha warned men not to rely on mantras , incantations , sacrifices , rites and ceremonies ; he insisted that they can not be saved without their own co-operation .
27 Unfortunately , while his powers of mental control are impressive , this can not be said of his ability to control his physical body .
28 However , he makes the point that the faithfulness of a church can not be determined on its actual growth , because that is determined by a range of contextual factors outside of the control of the congregation .
29 What I am arguing here is that the meaning of a linguistic feature can not be determined outside its context .
30 When a record can not be placed in its home position , it must be stored at an address that can be located quickly .
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