Example sentences of "can [vb infin] a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Foundation 's broad survey , relating world-wide events to the condition and future of the North of England , attempts to show how the Northern home of the Industrial Revolution , which changed the course of civilisation , can earn a reflex benefit from the outside world : to suggest how it should see its continuing importance and the integrity of its peculiar contribution to that world , the value of its own inalienable strengths and their potential .
2 If your interests are off road , Brooks can make a strong case for your business .
3 First , teacher secondment to industry , if properly planned and managed , can make a powerful contribution to professional , curriculum and institutional development .
4 If you take your music seriously and arouse the interest of a committed writer , the resulting article can make a genuine contribution to people 's understanding of your work and of popular culture in general .
5 Layout and design can make a great difference in increasing sales .
6 You can make a great point of the exciting English designer , say something like — a revolutionary departure : English artist brings fresh and startling look to classical Viennese works . ’
7 Here is a most revealing instance of the way a difference within the same , teleologically construed , can make a great deal of difference : in effect a difference of degree can be as real as a difference of kind but in a different way : the lesser is inferior and thereby inimical in a way the antithetical can not be , and the same becomes more ditferent than difference itself .
8 Using business software can make a great deal of difference to learning mathematics , because of its flexible open-ended nature as described above .
9 But we do pledge ourselves to undertake the task with energy and determination , confident that in the full-time life of our Parliament we can make a great advance in industrial prosperity .
10 An oval-shaped wreath can look very effective if it follows the lines of its oval frame , and you can make a similar style of garland in a heart-shaped design , whether small ( see p. 85 ) or much bigger and bolder and enclosed in a square frame .
11 You can make a private deal with insurance companies to insure your legs for a million pounds if they are your sole way of earning a living !
12 The bus service is erratic out of season but can make a wide variety of walks accessible in summer .
13 Can read single or double entry tables and can make a simple comparison with the data obtained .
14 Some of the greatest sufferers in this respect are such prized works as Jane Austen 's , where it can make a surprising difference to the price .
15 Despite variations , however , the day care facilities are enormously important and can make a tremendous difference to the lives of the mentally disordered .
16 A horse that has been abused , intimidated , and broken will never have the pride , self-esteem , and affection for its owner which can make a good horse into a great one .
17 Er but we can make a reasonable margin including spacers .
18 The case does n't tell you how many weeks per year each restaurant is open , either , but you can make a reasonable guess about that , too .
19 The upshot of all this is that families encourage young women to get as much education as possible — men can make a reasonable living without it , but women can not — and women are more advanced in the shift away from Gullah .
20 Most suppliers will offer early settlement discounts of around 2.5% and quantity discounts for larger orders , which can make a substantial difference to the margin .
21 As the previous chapters in this book show you can make a marvellous home for yourself somewhere else , providing you choose with care .
22 Ryan represents a kind of Marxism that non-Marxists might do business with , in the sense that one can make a rational engagement with it .
23 An Ammunition Technical Officer ( ATO ) donning his equipment on the site of a suspected Improvised explosive Device ( IED ) — Army terminology for a terrorist bomb — so that he can make a close inspection of the device if necessary
24 If you are feeling adventurous and you have a lot of children coming , you can make a second wall with pieces of chocolate surrounding it representing Humpty Dumpty having fallen off the wall .
25 And , of course , it has a telephone , on which you can make a right nuisance of yourself .
26 The investor can make a fixed investment of between £1 and £20 a month for five years and at the end of this term , interest is added as a tax-free bonus of 14 months ' savings .
27 ‘ There 's only one place for money , and that 's a safe place … a place where it can make a healthy profit without being subjected to the fluctuation of bonds and shares and suchlike .
28 It is only through a living faith in God that we can make a new start in our emotional life with each other .
29 Nevertheless , I would predict that we will see Ray 's name in the records books before long , though , perhaps not until he turns the grand old age of 60 in another three or four years and can make a new charge up the age-group ladder .
30 If you are a teacher , a youth worker or someone with responsibility for young people , you can make a real contribution toward keeping them away from crime .
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