Example sentences of "can [adv] [be] [vb pp] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 With the current boom in interest in opera , though , this disc enters a very competitive field indeed and so , once again , can only be given a general recommendation .
2 The sentence can only be assigned the right truth conditions , or alternatively be given the correct semantic representation , if the pragmatic significance of and in this sentential context ( namely the " and then " interpretation ) is taken into account before doing the semantics .
3 Each of the five judgments rambles over the territory in what can only be called a head-scratching way , making it impossible for the consumer of the judgment to know at the end just what the law is held to be , except negatively , and then only negatively on a few points .
4 Modern refining techniques mean that for every barrel of crude oil refined , there will be a split between diesel and petrol fuels that can only be varied a small amount .
5 The Clermont elections , if that is the right word , provide a startling insight into the appointment of bishops in a civitas , which , if it can scarcely be called an insignificant see , was certainly not one in the forefront of royal policy .
6 It means that lambs which have lost their parents , for reasons such as sheep worrying by dogs , can quickly be given a new mother .
7 The emphasis is on beef but its milk yield remains adequate and it can still be considered a dual-purpose type .
8 Mention has already been made of the eight-petalled rosette , and its appearance in at least two of the small , tangent squares in North Hill , mosaic B ; but this can hardly be considered an important association .
9 Certainly its application within the large domestic market of the United States , which alone accounts for some 40 per cent of world air travel , can hardly be considered an unqualified success .
10 The art of outlining and defining soft furnishings is usually associated with traditional-style interiors , but many brightly coloured modern fabrics can also be given a stylish lift with the wide range of trimmings that are available today .
11 The problem can also be stated the other way .
12 His comment about ‘ that cat Wilson not being able to handle approval ratings like mine ’ can also be turned the other way round .
13 Hidden in the house buying jungle can also be found the Public Auction .
14 Originally bred as a draught animal , its milk has always been known for its quality ( if not quantity ) and it can fairly be called a dual-purpose breed .
15 Realism can fairly be called the dominant theory in the history of International Relations .
16 Evaluations of Soviet society inevitably focus on whether a ruling group that does not own , but controls , property , receiving a salary rather than extracting surplus for its own use , can legitimately be called a ruling class in a Marxist sense in which class depends on the ownership of the means of production and the extraction of surplus from an exploited class .
17 They can then be spared the basic unreality of young people triumphing in circumstances too much for their capacities as well as the inevitable thinness of emotional experience which is bound to restrict the scope of an author wanting to draw characters in the round rather than stereotypes .
18 The first , which can conveniently be called the traditional theory , is known as the ‘ price pressure hypothesis ’ , and holds that rights issues will cause a temporary depression in the price as the issue has increased the supply of shares .
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