Example sentences of "can [adv] [adv] [be] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Psychiatry can so easily be a technique of brainwashing , of inducing behaviour that is adjusted , by ( preferably ) non-injurious torture … .
2 One of our Committee members , the Rev. Ray Arnold , gave a short address and dedication , saying that enterprises like this one can so easily be a flash in the pan , but this one has surmounted its problems so far and achieved much .
3 And this can so easily be the case , for such premises are instilled into the scientific mind set at an early age , becoming accepted points of reference , though really they are often nothing more than habits of thought .
4 It can only now be a matter of time until they join supermarkets and open on Sunday as well .
5 It can only ever be a mimicry , for , as Irigaray argues , women can never accede to the condition of subjectivity : ‘ Toute théorie du ‘ sujet ’ aura toujours été appropriée au ‘ masculin ’ ' ( 165 ) .
6 But this can only ever be an after-image , a look-alike , inside out .
7 Attendance or help by paid lay persons can also properly be the subject of a claim for expenses .
8 It can also thus be the entrée into a further development : Hilton stresses that this may not be part of the natural development of his particular correspondent .
9 Though adolescence is generally a time of intense sociability. it can also often be a time of intense loneliness .
10 Module contents can equally well be a program , a suite of programs or two lines of code , a list of design options , sections or individual qualifying sentences in a standards manual , and so on .
11 As between the three common law Inns the choice does not really matter : you can quite well be a member of one Inn , become a pupil in chambers belonging to a second , and in due course attain a seat in chambers belonging to a third .
12 In terms of predicting and controlling the social environment , high technology can quite clearly be every bit as important as brute force .
13 We have seen the ways in which Sartre 's Critique shows how totalization can not work without a movement of self-transcendence , a repeated interpolation of an excess beyond the totality which paradoxically then means that the totality can no longer be a totality .
14 The logical conclusion of all this is that there can no longer be a justification for the massive nuclear arsenals held by both sides , that only the absolute minimum of nuclear defence is required and that , because President Yeltsin , too , now has his finger on the nuclear button , we should now be doing business with him on this issue as on so many others .
15 They are sad for Johnny Bryan because he can never truly be a member of this particular family .
16 This is an excellent method of understanding the contexts of situations and its meaning for those involved , even though one can never truly be a participant observer .
17 However , there can very occasionally be a space-saving in the use of an inverted file as is shown in the discussion below , due to Revell .
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