Example sentences of "their [noun pl] as [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She was a little woman , not much taller than Carrie , but she seemed strong as a railway porter , carrying their cases as if they weighed nothing .
2 Most countries tax multinationals on an ‘ arm 's length ’ basis , calculating the profits that the firm earned within their borders as if it had done so through a stand-alone business , operating at arm 's length from the parent firm .
3 Davide threw himself on it to stop her pulling it off altogether with the bowl of fruit and the jug of water and glasses with it ; so they grappled , and in the contact something gave way , melted within them both and they clung together , aching in their heads and their bones as if they 'd been caught out on the mountains in the winter and been chilled to the marrow .
4 The khthons were in control and waved their guns as if they had captured the travellers .
5 Waitresses do a scuttling trot around , with smiles on their faces as if they have a bent coat-hanger wedged into their mouths to hold the shape .
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