Example sentences of "their [noun pl] [prep] [pers pn] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Besides , the Jews inspected the stars by night , turned their eyes towards them and invoked them in their prayers .
2 Her eyes roamed over the chattering women , all fawning over him , tossing their heads , slanting their eyes at him and laughing prettily .
3 In conversation , people do not fix their eyes on you and make notes : they are informal and natural , while talks are set piece , formal occasions .
4 Jackie motioned to them to help him and all three put their shoulders to it and pushed .
5 well they were they was rolling in all the muck in the farmyard but they , they went to the pies just put their noses round them and turned them over and then they s and true as god made little apples they started walking round these pies and they left them and they were still there when we went away .
6 It is often said that children have their lives before them and to die before they have had a chance to develop their personalities and lives seems particularly cruel .
7 They clamp their jaws on it and hang on , martyring themselves for the sake of the colony .
8 Nobody put their arms around me and said , ‘ Is n't this wonderful ? ’ ’
9 So after they had fasted and prayed , they placed their hands on them and sent them off .
10 They had tried twice before , and on each occasion they had been pursued relentlessly through the forests by hostile Moi tribesmen who had stripped them naked , lashed their hands behind them and led them back to the plantation roped together at the neck with twisted creepers .
11 After three or four pages , he found himself wandering the streets or pacing anxiously through some park he did n't even recognize , twitching and murmuring strangely to himself while mothers , at the sight of him , drew their children to them and stole softly away across the grass .
12 Erm there were new passageways , erm the management er er applied their thoughts to it and altered the , the layout and certain machines were , were put to one side of the machine shop and , and milling machines to the other side you know .
13 By 1960 all Soviet technicians had been recalled , taking their blueprints with them and leaving the factories to be finished as best they could be .
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