Example sentences of "their [noun pl] [prep] [noun prp] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was a great blow to the local community when , in 1982 , BP quickly ran down their operations at Lightpill and closed the mill .
2 Previously cyclists had to get off their bikes at Rutherglen and climb steps to cross a dangerous main road .
3 In late October 1938 , some 15,000 Jews of Polish extraction were taken from their homes in Germany and dumped across the Polish border .
4 However , when Bob was nine-years-old , the Fitzsimmons family cut their ties with Britain and moved to Lyttelton , New Zealand — never returning to their homeland .
5 Terry burst out laughing , causing all the people in the restaurant to take their eyes off Maura and begin staring at him .
6 There were lower numbers for eight migrant species spending their winters in Africa and affected by drought conditions on that continent .
7 The majority of islanders who are fishermen are based in Ness to the very north of Lewis yet will tie up their boats in Stornoway and drive home .
8 Sinn Fein 's success was built around the pledge that , if elected , they would refuse to take up their seats in Westminster and set up a separate Irish parliament instead .
9 Initially , of course , those who drove her out had to justify their actions to Elizabeth and prevent the English queen making any serious attempt to restore her sister of Scotland ; and they used that scholar of European distinction , George Buchanan , as their apologist , thus enabling the grave and learned humanist to display a remarkable talent for writing , as it were , copy for the Sun in the style of The Times , in his sensational Ane detectioun of the doinges of Marie quene of Scottes .
10 A couple of men put their arms round Gabriel and helped him up .
11 In consequence , the Sadducees — having yoked their interests to Rome and enjoying unique prerogatives in the Temple — would have reacted to Jesus precisely as they are described as doing in the Gospels .
12 Thus , eventually , the Kurds were given the ‘ choice ’ of staying in the mountains to continue to die in droves — or taking their chances with Saddam and heading back where they 'd come from .
13 He cited 2,700 FIS supporters dismissed from their jobs since June and said that FIS political prisoners were still being held in a number of towns .
14 Thousands of Palestinians fled their jobs in Israel and returned home , denouncing the shootings as a massacre of innocents , and calling on Arabs to observe three black days of mourning .
15 Thousands will leave their shacks in Soweto and march on Johannesburg , massacring all before them , seizing babies and dashing their heads against the kerbstones .
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