Example sentences of "their [noun] when [pron] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Her reflections were interrupted by Dora , whom she had vaguely noticed rummaging in the boot of their car when she arrived and who now came striding towards them .
2 Greece was obliged this spring to accept the new country 's admission to the United Nations with ‘ Macedonia ’ in its name , and the New Democracy rebels swallowed their fury when they realised that voting against the government would cause an election their party would probably lose .
3 Earlier in the week their Paddling Challenge , the oldest canoe race in the world , had seen several of the overseas competitors joining in without stopping even to unload their vehicles when they arrived and being joined by a number of prominent paddlers from the past .
4 More especially , I wondered at their risk when I learnt that some of them had landed across the Channel and were astonished to find that the natives did not speak English .
5 I have also had to tell others they are unlikely to get in and then try to explain the politics of the department to them and watch their dismay when they realize that , perhaps regardless of merit , they do not fit in .
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