Example sentences of "their [noun] [coord] [verb] them [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Probably the majority of paedophiliacs suppress their inclinations or indulge them only in fantasy .
2 We , as members , should not sit on their desks and tell them exactly where to go .
3 First came the minstrels , yelling war songs , and when they had finished they tore off their mantles and threw them down before the Empress , saying now that they had fought for her such clothes were no longer worthy of them and would she give them new ones ?
4 One manager who tried out the forms says ‘ They helped us attend to the little things that parents do without thinking , like making sure children have had their immunisations and following them up if they 're missed .
5 It 's dragged a few graceful oddities away from comparing navel fluff in their garages and shoved them on to the European circuit .
6 When patients arrived in the department they were seen by a triage nurse , who assessed the nature of their complaint/injury and prioritised them accordingly , using the department 's guidelines
7 ‘ The basic idea is that you jump towards them , scoop up their legs and take them down hard , ’ she explained .
8 What species of idiot , he wondered , had found it fun to murder them , cut off their heads and use them instead of wallpaper ?
9 They hung their heads and shook them forlornly .
10 They ca n't feel me cos they do n't know I 'm there , and if I want to I can fly over their heads and leave them behind and live in the sky .
11 Scenes from the evening flashed before her eyes : the dignity of the old man to whom Ludovico had gently presented her and with whom she had performed a stately dance , delicately held in his wizened old arms ; the young men who had made a ring around her and Ludo before lifting them on to their shoulders and carrying them back to Santo Spirito ; the women who had caressed her blonde hair and whispered , ‘ Bella !
12 Throughout this chapter we assume that individuals know what motivates them and can isolate their goals and discuss them separately .
13 The tabloid papers , which make their money from guessing the prejudices of their readers and dressing them up as informed opinion , had a field day .
14 At the station he kissed each of the girls in turn , lifting them off their feet and swinging them round , cheered by a couple of other soldiers .
15 Coins and pots and pans and weapons and tools and horse tack jangled like a demented musical band , and each time someone fell , the clanging beast would sag , then lift the fallen back to their feet and sweep them on into the courtyard .
16 Halfway through the night , they decided they needed to know , went out on to the landing , groped around but in desperation had to go back to their room , pee in their shoes and empty them out of the window !
17 I intend to keep the fry in a number of these nets for the first few weeks of their lives and feed them on newly hatched brine shrimp .
18 Suddenly , after three or four years of silence , as they stood side by side in some rented school hall , slackening their bows and cleating them away in the lids of their violin cases , they began to talk .
19 The Lord who says , ‘ I hate divorce ’ ( Mal. 2:16 ) also affirms ‘ I will heal their waywardness and love them freely , for my anger has turned away from them ’ ( Hos. 14:4 ) .
20 Physicists are still trying to explore their implications and to fit them together .
21 Many people say that the solution is to take the young person who has committed a crime out of their community and lock them away , that will achieve a solution .
22 This provides young learners with the stimulus and movement necessary to hold their attention and keep them enthusiastically involved .
23 He believed strongly in the psychology of home territory , which invariably put witnesses at their ease and made them more likely to remember little details they might otherwise forget or overlook in strange or foreign surroundings .
24 How could the best interests of the children be served by tearing them from their beds and flying them away from their island home to be completely separated from everything dear and familiar .
25 The band trundled back to their hotel — the infamous Chelsea Hotel — to get their best party rags on and were halfway through their quick-change when the NY police burst into their room and hauled them off to the station .
26 They will want to be sure that you are prepared to give your time to care for the children , that you will provide for all their needs and take them out regularly , and that you really do like small children !
27 She got the doctor and his wife into their coats and saw them out of the front door .
28 Terrified that Nick would say no , he was n't happy at all , and that their mother would get out of the train and go back to the house and pack their things and take them away .
29 Individual peasants and lords could and did remove strips or groups of strips from the rotation sequence of their neighbours and fence them around .
30 That said , a couple of encounters obviously have some value in keeping the PCs on their toes and hurrying them up if the pace of the game is slackening due to excessive caution by them .
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