Example sentences of "can [adv] [be] say [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But although earlier events can not be said to have caused the crisis , they did have some bearing on how it developed .
2 But although earlier events can not be said to have caused the crisis , they did have some bearing on how it developed .
3 As guardians of its wildlife , Hong Kong 's British tenants can not be said to have done very well , though in the last ten years there have been attempts by Hong Kong conservationists to save what is left .
4 So long as such men as Willaert , Verdelot , and Arcadelt held posts in Venice , Florence , and Rome that is , until the mid-century or after Italian music can not be said to have emancipated itself from northern tutelage .
5 For , in its guise as the Parliamentary Labour Party , British Empirical Socialism can not be said to have intended , when governing the country , to have replaced private ownership of industry wholly by public ownership .
6 In that time , Mr Hurd can not be said to have stirred himself .
7 Political parties themselves can not be said to have existed before 1679 .
8 On the right , while Italian and German agents were active in Spain and sympathetic to the Spanish right , they can not be said to have exerted pressure upon it or materially to have assisted it in subverting the Republic .
9 Ever since 1979 the Government has been trying to widen and deepen share ownership , but apart from privatisations , which have resulted in millions of people owning a few hundred shares in one or two companies , it can not be said to have had much success .
10 The parameters of the religious issue might have been changed somewhat by the grudging toleration granted to Protestant Nonconformists in 1689 , but the religious settlement can scarcely be said to have provided a satisfactory solution to the issue of Dissent which had been such a source of tension in Restoration society .
11 Given their less-favoured area status , Scottish and north of Scotland agriculture can hardly be said to have contributed to the problems of CAP overproduction and the related MacSharry implications .
12 By themselves , these facts do not stand as a complete answer to the challenge : if the industrial co-operative form of organisation is more efficient than the conventional form , why is it that the first has not displaced the second but has remained until recently a negligible feature of the economy and , even now , can hardly be said to have become so far of more than marginal importance ?
13 Joseph Needham 's only indexed reference to dreaming in ancient China is tantalizingly brief : Oneiromancy , or prognostication by dreams , was also practised in China , as in most ancient civilisations , though it can hardly be said to have taken a very important place there .
14 It was only with the political readjustments which followed Edward IV 's return from exile in 1471 that Gloucester can really be said to have acquired an independent power base .
15 It was only with the political readjustments which followed Edward IV 's return from exile in 1471 that Gloucester can really be said to have acquired an independent power base .
16 The pure gothic novel can safely be said to have started with Horace Walpole , the rich and eccentric son of the first Prime Minister of England .
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