Example sentences of "can [be] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Prosecutions by local authorities under the Act of 1950 have little deterrent effect , because the increased sales are such that fines at the level presently authorised under the statute can be absorbed by large retailers as a relatively small increase in their costs , though the same is not true of small shops with their much lower sales .
2 From nine months to four years a child can use a seat in the back that faces forwards and which can be secured by rear seat belts or their anchorage points .
3 Despite hopes that some tasks inappropriate to junior doctors can be delegated to other groups of staff the new deal on juniors ' hours risks worsening the situation by increasing the intensity of work still further , notwithstanding the shorter working week .
4 Written in C and C++ , the software comes with what the firm calls a universal dictionary — a set of object mechanisms which can be tailored to individual requirements — and an inference engine , which generates the SQL statements .
5 Written in C and C++ , the software comes with what the firm calls a universal dictionary — a set of object mechanisms which can be tailored to individual requirements — and an inference engine which generates the SQL statements .
6 This awareness has driven us to evolve new systems that can be tailored to local needs and which reflect current advances in auditing techniques . ’
7 Thus the cleaning can be tailored to different surfaces .
8 The division between health and social needs can be narrowed by joint training .
9 But we will suppose that our researcher is cautious in making claims , and so might wish to extend the enquiry and see whether the same results can be replicated with different subjects doing different tasks .
10 They form spontaneously in the waters of our planet without the elaborate ‘ machinery ’ that DNA needs ; and they develop flaws spontaneously , some of which can be replicated in subsequent layers of crystal .
11 Massey agrees that the fate of entities which are part of large spatially diverse enterprises can be related to explicit planning decisions , but considers that it is dangerous to somehow regard such actions as ‘ worse ’ than the consequences of the anonymous system forces of capitalism as manifested through market relations .
12 The supposedly most securely dated vessels are those which can be related to Continental chronologies ; vessels which occur on the Continent but not in England date to before the migration , those on both sides of the North Sea to the migration period itself , and those which are only found in England must have developed after the migration period .
13 Not only is the method not scientific but , to the extent that Marx did make certain historical prophecies which can be related to empirical evidence over long periods of time , these can be examined and by and large they have not proved to be valid .
14 Although perhaps the paradigm for the village school was some idyllic haven seen on a summer 's day , the report is still a good review of the position and can be related to other parts of Western Europe .
15 Library education will be more effective if the student understands what he is doing and why he is doing it — that is , if new facts can be related to existing knowledge .
16 Unfortunately , despite the widespread excavations at Alcester , little has been found which can be related to religious practices .
17 The activities of delinquent fans might be more intelligible if they can be related to particular roles and positions with respect to other fans .
18 The parameters appearing in the Richards functions can be related to biological factors .
19 Angular scales , on the microwave background can be related to linear scales , λ , at the present epoch by .
20 A leading client who is a major manufacturer of toiletries wishes to expand into higher priced , bigger margin and smaller volume markets which he believes can be reached through existing distribution channels .
21 Rutli can be reached at leisurely pace in 1½ hours from the start of the walk .
22 In the final article in our series , Richard Holloway reflects on conclusions that can be reached on modern society from the attitudes and opinions revealed in the course of the week Fighting the good fight
23 But planners will tell Delyn Borough planning committee today that , providing agreement can be reached on opening hours and a fume extraction system , it should be allowed .
24 The bars are on the ground floor and can be reached by separate entrances : the vault bar from the street and the lounge bar from the front of the hotel .
25 Charles Haughey , the Irish Prime Minister , on Jan. 21 and again on Jan. 22 declared that if " a new and more broadly based agreement can be reached by direct discussions and negotiations with all the parties involved , the Irish government will be prepared to contemplate , in agreement with the British government , a new and better-structured agreement or arrangement to transcend the existing one " .
26 All can be reached by public transport and offer quiet and relaxing woodland walks .
27 Thus , the amount of sulphate given in this study can be reached by dietary means in a proportion of people .
28 Ladder attenuators incorporating Π sections turn out to be more economical in components than those formed from T sections because adjacent pairs of shunt resistors can be merged into single resistors .
29 Money can be lent at varying maturities and money settlement will be achieved via changes in operational balances at the Bank of England .
30 If a search for money and/or an avoidance of stress are two indicators of strong arousals from this goal category , then it is clear that some people can be motivated for long periods of time either by stress avoidance or by accumulating more and more money .
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