Example sentences of "would [adv] [verb] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You 'd actually have quite a lot of accommodation downstairs .
2 However , even these barriers would hot prevent forever a corporation determined to maximize its interests .
3 I must explain that I do not like combined heater stats ; in general I find that the heater part packs up within a year , as , regrettably do modern heaters , and I would rather throw away a £5 heater than a £10 plus heater stat .
4 She would not bathe away the smell of him , and slipped an overall over her bare skin .
5 Chicken dung would not do even the coroner 's innards any good .
6 No , they would not serve only a drink , she should recall that .
7 The New Yorker of November 24th lamented that the NSC would not reveal even the age or the precise employment of this man , ‘ who seems to be called on to act as a secret surrogate for something like the entire United States government ’ .
8 The hon. Member for Berwick-upon-Tweed said that as far as he was concerned , regional government would not take away the powers of local government .
9 A debtor swearing an affidavit that he had resigned his all would not wipe away the claim his creditor had on him .
10 This would soon leave only the androids protecting the security state apparatus .
11 With its knights and cannons the Empire army would soon sweep aside an army based around boar boyz , while Orc artillery and large creatures such as trolls would present excellent targets for cannons and Helblaster volley guns .
12 Unlikely as it was that Richard Branson would ever have quite the impact on teenage sensibilities of Duran Duran , the days he could walk down a busy London street totally unrecognised were surely numbered .
13 Their frustration that they would always remain only a mummy could be challenged .
14 Sara would always remember gratefully the help he gave at that time ‘ to render a miserable cottage , an abode of comparative comfort ’ .
15 Historically , nursing has probably offered a mix of both satisfactions , although financial gain would probably come quite a way down on the list .
16 A return to manual harvesting would also reduce dramatically the spread of infection .
17 I would also like then the information in relation to the ‘ Public Inquiry ’ head of the budget that I have requested a number of times previously — amount spent , individual commitments made but not yet received , likely costs in relation to Millerhill .
18 It 's got leather and , and iron and steel , now you come onto the Road and you would n't think there a leather factory about would you ?
19 Daybreak tended to steal up gently on the valley , reinventing a fresh landscape out of the leftover mists of the night ; lake breezes would then strip away the shrouds one by one to uncover the forests and the shores and the mountains behind .
20 I detest William S. Rubin , former head of Paintings and Sculpture in the Museum of Modern Art in New York , who spotted the deception too late , and then unintentionally justified the removal of ‘ Guernica ’ by stating that ‘ the Reina Sofia will find it hard to acquire a collection of twentieth-century masterpieces to match ‘ Guernica ’ ’ , and that its removal reflected a wish to ‘ attract crowds to a museum which would otherwise have only a handful of visitors ’ .
21 Maurice would never give away the Hereford Road address and very few people knew it .
22 But the chances are that even if all the paintings were traced , the Philippine Government would never recoup even a fraction of the money spent on them , because she was so regularly duped .
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