Example sentences of "say that [adj] [noun pl] would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Trading standards also keep an eye on car boot sales — and say that tighter controls would help them .
2 Felix heard a Stirlander Greatsword say that such words would bring ill-luck .
3 The Citadel , in Charleston , South Carolina , also says that admitting women would destroy the experience of attending an all-male military academy .
4 Papa says that most horses would envy me in that line ! ’
5 Mr Baker had said that industrial sponsors would pay ‘ all or a substantial part ’ of the capital costs .
6 Fighting erupted in Beirut yesterday shortly after President Elias Hrawi was quoted as saying that Syrian troops would leave parts of Lebanon as soon as he had overcome the resistance of troops of General Michel Aoun in the Christian enclave .
7 Michael Meacher , the shadow Secretary of State for Employment , said that such definitions would have to wait until the party formed a government and the details were worked out between ministers and officials .
8 Mr Meacher said that such details would have to be worked out between ministers and their officials , but he is likely to be pressed to be more specific .
9 She said that existing vicars would keep their right to stay in their parish until they were 65 but as soon as a parish became vacant the priest-in-charge system would be introduced .
10 Its chairman , Helmut Sihler , said that environmental concerns would add tens of billions of dollars to industry 's costs .
11 But the principal , Donald Leach , said that new facilities would have to be in use by autumn of next year , as the college continues its rapid growth .
12 Eliot once said that all poets would like their work to be said or sung by the common people ( which was realized in his case by Cats ) .
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